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Education Department
Field School Lesson Plan
Name: Amber May
Number: 1


Subject Area: Math__________________________________________ Grade Level: 1st

Date: Feb. 28, 2015_____________________ Start time: 8:00_________ End time: 8:358:40_________________
Cooperating Teachers
Identifying Shapes that are 2-D, and knowing the names of those shapes
Related Standard:
1.G. 1. Identify objects as two-dimensional
1.G.2. Create and Draw two-dimensional shapes.
1.SL.1: Listen actively and adjust the use of spoken language
Use knowledge of items around students everyday life.
Main Objective of Instruction:
In order to know 2-D and 3-D shapes, TSWBAT recognize the different shapes and be able
to name them and to draw them given activities and worksheets provided by me during class;
they must have this done within the time allotted for math.
Teacher Materials/Resources: Pictures of everyday items, ( stop sign, pizza, star fish, paper,
ball, ice cream cone, pyramid, cube) , larger size of the students flash cards work sheet,
construction paper shapes, stop watch, play dough, list of 3-D shapes, projector, white paper,
coloring worksheet, play dough.
Student Materials: Flash card worksheet, scissors, pencil, crayons for homework
Anticipatory Set (Introductory Approach):
I will begin class by placing large pictures of different objects both two-dimensional and threedimensional on the overhead projector. I will proceed by asking the students to say out loud what
each object is. From there I will tell them what shape each one is.
Instructional Procedures (Whole Group):
Prior to students coming in:

1. Set up taped shapes on the floor for one of the group activities. They shapes on the
ground should be spread apart on a small area and should be only slightly bigger then
the construction paper cutouts you already have.
2. Set up play dough area to where students will be making 3-D shapes, make sure you
set this a t a table you do not want play dough in carpet.
3. Have stack of flashcards on another table.
After students arrive:
1. Greet the students as they come in the room.
2. Introduce that today we will be learning about shapes and begin showing them pictures
of the different everyday items on the projector screen. (Visual- Verbal) (Stimulation)
3. Asking them to repeat out loud what each item is. (Verbal)
4. Explain to them that shapes are all around them every day, ask the students to look
around the room and share with a partner what kinds of shapes they see around the
room. Have each students name about five shapes they see.(Logical and Interpersonal)
(Pair and Share) (5 min)
5. Take the 2-D large flash cards that the teacher had created prior to the lesson and
present each card, explaining the shape name and number of sides each shape has. As
you go along make sure you have all students eyes on you.
6. After you have gone through all the 2-D figures, bring out the 3-D cards and begin
asking students if they see a difference in the too card. Teacher will do the same as 2-D
by going through each card and talking the students that most 3-D object are made up
of multiple 2-D shapes. You want to keep this simple because 3-D names can be tricky.
7. When finished with 3-D , go back through each stack again reminding each kid what
each name is and show them the pictures again, this time also have to kids try to tell
you what the name of the shape is before you tell them. (Visual and Verbal) (10 min)
8. From there you will move to small groups where students will get a more hands on
experience with these shape.
9. Explain to the students that you will be splitting them up into three different groups:
Each group will be about 10 minutes long.
Through the groups you will not only pay attention to your own group but keep eyes
out on questioning faces in other groups. You can always tell your group a shape and
go and answer any other questions the students may have.
Count off each student by 3. Make sure no one has any questions and than assign
each number to start at a certain group
After about 5 minutes is up tell the groups to move a group to their right.
a. One group will consist of the students making their own flash cards. The larger
flash cards you made are not into smaller squares. The student will cut them out.
After finishing cutting them out they will practice with a partner. (Interpersonal
and visual)
b. Second group will be the tape shapes that you created before the students got
there. You will explain to them that each shape you have has a match on the
floor. You job is to match them as quickly as possible. Each group should time
themselves a couple times and write down on a street of paper their quickest
time. (Bodily / visual)
c. Third group is the group the teacher will be with. The teacher will have a list of 3D shapes. The teacher will announce a shape and the students will have to
create it with their play dough. The teacher may help if a student is struggling.
d. Each group will be at their station for 5 minutes.
After having each group complete their stations, have the students pick up any
loose paper, put the construction shapes in a pile on the floor, and make sure all play
dough is put away.
Ask for some feedback about what the student felt about these activities.
Tell the students that their home work is to complete the work sheet that you are
handing out now and remind them that they are going to need crayons for this
worksheet. Other homework is that they will be getting a sheet of blank paper and they

are to draw a robot out of the different shapes we talked about today. (visual/
kinesthetic/ intrapersonal)
Before leaving the room the students must name one shape when shown the flash
card (Ticket to Leave)

Provisions for Individual and/or Group Differences:

If a student was confused or did not understand the 3-D shapes during the small group, I
would ask him to come work with me during a free time and we would use the play dough again,
making it fun. I would also open it up to other students to the students that are struggling dont
see this as a punishment.
Close by stating that shapes that are three-dimensional and two-dimensional are around
us everyday. The use of knowing the names of these shapes make pointing out awesome things
to our friends and family much easier and it will for sure surprise your parents that you know so
much. These students should be able to call out shapes in the classroom.

Evaluation of Learning:
Before students will be able to leave the room to go to lunch, they will first have to stop
by me who is standing at the door with the same flash cards I had shown in the beginning of
class and the students made themselves and I will show them a shape and they will have to tell
me correctly what it is before leaving the room.
Independent Practice:

Homework:This student will be a worksheet that I provide for them, which consist of
coloring of shapes. And to make a figure or robot by drawing different shapes on a piece
of paper that the teacher will provide. This proving to the teacher that the student not
only can spot the shapes on a worksheet buy also be able ot draw and creat them.
Enrichment: If students are going above and beyond I will have an addition worksheet that will
introduce more shapes to the student and allow them to create those shapes with play dough.

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