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Module main ()

//Declare local variables

1. Declare String clientName
2. Declare Real feetUTP
3. Declare Real subTotal
4. Declare Real taxCost
5. Declare Real totalCost
//Module calls
6. call inputData (feetUTP, clientName)
7. call calcCost()
8. call displayBill()

//this module takes in the required user input. There will

//be a display and input for each variable
Module inputData(Real Ref feetUTP, String Ref clientName)
9. display enter client name
10. input clientName
11. display enter your number of UTP
12. input feetUTP
End Module

//this module calculates subTotal, taxCost, and totalCost

//you also need feetUTP passed in to calculate subTotal
Module calcCosts(13. Real feetUTP , real ref subTotal , Real ref taxCost
totalCost )
14. subtotal=feetUTP*.21
15. taxcost=subtotal*.06

, Real ref

16. totalcost=subtotal+taxCost
End Module

//this module displays clientName and totalCost

Module displayBill (17. , )
18. diplay clientsName is
19. display total cost is , totalCost
End Module

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