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Cody Jessup
UWRT 1102
Professor Dagher
End of Course Reflection
I think the class was one of the better writing classes Ive taken even though I absolutely
despise writing. Research papers have always been a struggle for me throughout high school
especially doing citations, MLA format stuff like that but over the semester I found myself
becoming incredibly proficient because I finally figured out how to do citations on Microsoft
Word. I found that my grammar is a lot more fluid in tone when I act like Im having a general
conversation with somebody I would have to give that credit to free writing. I find it as a great
technique to get myself focused and writing basic ideas on paper so that I can build upon them
when I get to the actual assignment. I do think that what I learned in this class will help me
further my education since Im an engineer we have to do a lot of writing, especially writing the
research papers and lab reports. I wish the course focused more on technical writing such as
business letters and memoirs because I did a lot of that last semester and didnt really understand
it. If I was to give myself a final grade for this course I would probably give myself a B because
the goal for this semester was to find a balance between school work and free time. Ive found it
to be really difficult because of the amount of work Ive had in all of my class but when I do find
free time it always seems like I use to much time than I should thus resulting in procrastination
but I do get my work done it might not be the best in the world but I do get my assignments in on
time. If I had the chance to start over this semester then I wouldve studied in the library as

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oppose to my dorm room because throughout the entire year Ive had trouble with my
roommates because all 3 of them changed their majors from engineering to business so it was
really hard for me to concentrate because they would stay until 3 in the morning being loud as
they could be.

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