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Assessment Plan

When covering a unit, we want to make sure that our students understand
the material that we present to the class. If students are struggling at the beginning
and we move on, the students will just fall farther behind if they are not helped.
Formative assessments are to help catch those students so that they can move
along in the class with the general flow. The summative assessments are to make
sure that students understand the unit as a whole and how different portions
intermix with each other.

Our formative assessments include whiteboard practice, teacher monitoring
work, and quizzes. Each of these forms allows for the teacher to see the students
progress throughout the lesson, and the quizzes see where the student is at during
major checkpoints in the unit.

Our summative assessments are a unit test and a project. The unit test is
another form of the pre-test to see each students progress on the material since
the beginning of the unit. The project is a fun and creative way to link everything
together in a real world application.

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