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Sheltons 2nd grade classroom

Began class with math and language arts activities
Help each other with activities
When finished with the activities, sat quietly and read books
Gather group on floor in front of smart board
Review stories read in previous weeks
Watch video on importance of working together
Watched video a second time
Learned a new song about working together
Kids sang in on the second time around
Watched video about cause and effect
Class grabs reading book and joins teacher on floor around her rocking chair
Review vocabulary words-worked on past, present, future tense
Read new story which is a play
Girls read narrator 1 boys read narrator 2
Everybody sings the songs in the story/play to the tune of Old
Teacher asks class questions about the story
Teacher had to move to floor to break up kids that werent
Getting prepared for groups/centers
Some kids got to switch classrooms-made some kids unhappy
Review consonant and vowels-kids used small white boards and
Worked on tucker signing
Each child filled out a worksheet and went over it with the smart boardidentifying long/short vowels
Classes switch back
Assignment in reading/writing workbooks-work individually

Review the answers

Kids earn Riley Bucks
Teacher charges a finders fee when the kids cant find something and
the teacher has to look for it
Teacher had to have a student level down twice on the behavior chart due to
poor choices and not participating

Gardners argument leaves educators with an important mission: finding out

how to access all the types of intelligences so that all students can learn to
their maximum potential (Koch 102).


Koch, J. (2013). Teach. Belmount, Ca: Wadsworth.

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