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IAH 201 Response 3

Niebuhrs The Irony of American History is a opinionated novel

that critique the different governments across the globe. With a variety
of views throughout the world, Niebuhr criticizes the leaders of multiple
nations. Niebuhrs message is that sin and evil is apart of every person
and neither an equal property system nor education will rid society of
sin and evil.

The understanding of the difference between the culture you live

in and others is a difficult task. Many times we see ourselves,
Americans, as the good people and the citizens of the country we are
fighting against the evil, sinful people. The Quiet American challenges
the stereotypes we give on countries by showing the innocence of
many citizens in a communist run nation. Americans are ignorant in
saying we are always the good people when continually destroy other
nations and kill innocent people in the process. Although we are always
told we are fighting for peace and freedom, it seems we always gain
power and land with it. Niebuhr ends hid book saying, For if we should
perish, the ruthlessness of the foe would be only the secondary cause
of the disaster. The primary cause would be that the strength of a giant
nation was directed by eyes too blind to see all the hazards of the
struggle; and the blindness would be induced not by some accident of
nature or history but by hatred and vainglory. He reminds us that
when we fight a war, we bring more disaster to a country that has

IAH 201 Response 3

already been through enough disaster. Mighty America cant fix every
nation and while we try, we devastate those nations.

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