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Eastern Carolina’s 4%, Breaking News & Weather Authority Council hears idea to build "Lake Greenville" By: Heather King - Email Updated: Mon 11:44 PM, Feb 09, 2015 Stay Connected Anywhere * Download the WITN News App + Follow WITN on Twitter + Like on Facebook Greenville city council members heard, for the first time Nonday night, one man’s vision to create a man- made lake. It's a plan Spencer Grant says would only enhance the recreational use of the Tar River. Grant says, " It'll be a lot of work to be done. It will take many years, but | think it's a good first step." Grant wants to create a man-made lake by building a dam just east of the port terminal boat access ramp on the Tar River. The water would swell, creating a lake that stretches as far west as the Ironwood Country Club Golf Course. Grant says, "I've always felt strongly about, with the Tar River, that something better could be done about it and we have it right here under our noses." Grant says no buildings would need to be removed. While he acknowledges that the idea is ambitious ~ he believes the recreational and economical advantages, as well as the opportunity for flood control, outweigh any drawbacks. Grant says, "I don't see it much dif isn than when the floods flooded areas in other parts of the country and Congress acted and built a flood control device such as a dam.” He says the city of Greenville would have to cooperate in the land acquisition process if the plan receives approval from Congress. However, the city of Greenville is focused on embracing the current fresh water systems already available to the public. Councilmember Marion Blackburn says, "We've already got these freshwater lakes. We want to make sure we use them, that we take advantage of them. That we focus on them. If there's a way to make them more available to people who are coming to our area then we want to do that." ‘As for how the fish population would be affected, Grant says he believes there are fish transport systems that could be put in place to help the fish swim past the dam then upstream to their spawning habitats and go out the Pamlico Sound. Grant says his next step is to consult with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to see what they would need him to do next. if he were to get approval, he expects most of the funding would be federal dollars. PREVIOUS STORY: Ariver runs through Greenville, but what would you think about a lake as well? There is a proposal set to go before the Greenville City Council to create a man-made lake. Supporters want to build a dam east of the port terminal boat access on the Tar River. From there, the river would swell and create a lake in Greenville. That proposed lake would stretch from Ironwood golf course to the port terminal boat ramp. The proposal said the reasons for the lake would be recreational, flood control, and the possibility of a power source from the dam The man-made lake proposal will be presented to the City Council on Monday night during the 6 p.m. meeting WITN 275 E. Arlington Blvd. Greenville, NC 27858 252-439-7777 Copyright © 2002-2015 - Designed by Gray Digital Media - Powered by Clickability 291251621 - Daryl Ready This idea is DOA at every agency that would have to approve it, The only reason for it would be to create waterfront property for development. Probably need to check the property records and see who owns the future lakeshore property. JeepCollector91 3 months ago All this talk of man-made lakes makes me want to go back to Lake Powell... dockwalker 3 months ago Wait!!! I thought the icecaps were melting and the ocean would flood all of eastern NC. Why make a lake? It will be over our head downtown in a couple of years! TubbyButterman 3 months ago How does this idiotic idea get so much news coverage? Lake Greenville? How original. ‘Thurston howell - 3 months go Well the Outer Banks is supposedly be gradually disappearing with the rising ocean levels because of global warming. "So let me sell you some oceanfront property in Greenville NC" Dkay 3 months ago Sounds like this oboy is looking to cash in on a stupid idea that will leave Greenville and the surrounding area holding the bag while he and his "associates" make off with lots of money. Don't need this foo! messing around with the environment 2TooTired bkay 3 months ago 1 don't know if | take to kindly to your use of the word "fool". I'm not sure but I just might be offended! swamprat 3 months ago How much of the land does Grant own? Entitled Enemy Number 1 3 months ago Why are lakes a bad idea? Example- | lived in Sleepy Creek in Dudley during Hurricane Floyd. ‘There are 2 lakes in that community. The higher lake's spillway couldn't evacuate the rainwater fast ‘enough and the water came over the dike. The water rushing over started eroding the dike from the ower side until it couldn't support the weight of the lake. The upper dam busted and washed into the lower lake. The lower lake's dam then busted and the lake evacuated all it’s water in | hour. This washed out 2 bridges and cause a fatal wreck on Arington Bridge road. Same thing happened to Walnut Creek. Of course all this water bottle necks in the river and helped to flood Kinston. bubbason007 3 months ago we have a river, dont need a lake Mare 3 months ago Mosquito farming. Doug Roberson 3 months ago Sorry, but for recreational purposes only, the Army Corps, EPA, NCDNR, ete., will NEVER allow a dam to be built on the Tar River. The potential disaster of another Floyd type storm with the lowlands already filled with water stored behind the dam will preclude any such project. This idea is a non starter. Yet Another 3 months 0 The city may want to try and fix i’s worn out infrastructure before blowing millions on destroying a wetland and natural habitat. Holy #e!! will be raised if taxes are increased due to this bufToons ‘idea’. You think the area floods bad now, build a fake lake and see what happens. The guy has this dream however he knows nothing of hydrology, wetlands, ete. et. etc. He stated so himself. he just wants a lake because he had one where he came fiom. If that’s the case, move back. It will save the taxpayers around here mi ej 3 months ago he does have a point in that the Tar river is NOT used the fullest as far as recreation goes. it is a great asset for the city, and they should figure out a way to better utilize it. not sure making a lake is the solution, though Pamlico Nation 3 months ago ‘They want ideas???? Well I say its a bad idea. I'd be happy to elaborate but I don't have all day to describe in detail the many reason as to why its such a bad idea. ‘Thurston howell 3 months ago So people in Greenville want waterfront property with a dam. Looks like to me it would be effecting the whole Tat-Pamlico eco-system. Why not clean the Tar River out itself. Or Well hook up to the boat head east with plenty of water to enjoy. Waterfront, plenty of property for sale on the Tar- Pamlico River and Some is pretty reasonable. Just 30 to 40 minutes from Greenville the Pamlico is 2 miles wide with great views. Richard Martin 3 months go ‘The guy has a website. | remember visiting it about a year ago. After seeing his proposal I thought there was a high likelihood of the airport being flooded out ina bad storm/hurricane type event. I doubt the Army Corps Of Engineers would ever grant a permit to permanently flood that much wetland. George Richard Martin - 3 months ag0 Good point! What will this do to the aquatic life? I'll bet you anything that this will have an impact on some kind of endangered or protected species. Also, let's not forget how this might impact the Greenville Utilities water treatment plant which is right next to the airport. The waste water plant is located downstream near Bradford Creek Golf Course. Will this have an impact on that? The rise and fall of the tide also has an impact on the river as well. Has this been considered? Can the existing bridges in Pitt county that span the Tar river, handle this kind of change or will they have to be rebuilt? I know that their are various utilities that run along the Tar, Will they need to be relocated? Has an engineering firm put their name on the plans for this project or is this just an idea that was sketched out? This can potentially cost the citizens a lot of money. gerald 3 months ago are they talking about building a dam across the whole river or flooding out a different area by re routing some of the water-if its across the river thats not a good idea at all--guess someone has some crummy property they want to make lake front -man bet that land would sell for a mint in Greenville~gated and all Pittetyeitizen 3 months ago With our roads in such bad shape, unemployment and economy still in bad shape, why is this even being discussed? Ridiculous Lost Art of Common Sense -3 months ago How much money is Spencer Grant getting out ofthis? Follow the money. George 3 months ago I'd like to see a map of his planned lake. Who is Spencer Grant anyway? I never heard of this guy before Star-Lord George 3 months 2g0 Best I can tell, just a guy with an idea, I need more information, like cost, before | form an opinion as to whether I think his idea is good or bad. He likes Nickelback on his FB page though, so he loses a few cool points there. AmericanPatriot4 3 mouths 220 Sounds like @ great idea, we have plenty of tax money to spare and there aren't any more important issues to take care of; In fact, it would be even better if we just dig a giant hole and fill it with tax revenue instead of water. Entitled Enemy Number 1 AmericanPariots 3 months ago ‘Not only that, the next hurricane that comes through will over take the dams and flood everything below it. A bad idea all the way around just so someone can make ridiculous money on the real estate around it. Star-Lord 3 months ago Prayers for the fish population. US First 3 months ago This might interest some people. http://www LOCK AND DAM ON THE TAR RIVER AT GREENVILLE, 1852 Turns out this is not a new idea. Unfortunately it met with bad management, bad politics and the civil ‘war, Perhaps we can learn from that and do better? MSgt USMC Retired 3 months ago Mother Nature does pretty darn good on her own; the last thing she needs is man to enter into the equation. Seems like every time man becomes involved, negative things happen. Cletus Cruz Guest 3 months ago Apart from Asheville where Duke Energy was already moving coal ash to a lined fill project at the airport, Duke Energy has yet to move one ounce of coal ash from a North Carolina coal ash lagoon to safe, dry, lined storage away from the rivers. And DENR has yet to require Duke Energy to move a single ounce. Both have received criminal grand jury subpoenas. The North Carolina legislature did pass a coal ash bill, but that bill requires Duke Energy to clean up only the four sites that Duke had already committed to clean up —three sites where conservation groups and riverkeepers threatened to sue under the federal Clean Water Act and the site of the Dan River spill. There are 10 other communi risk, ies and 10 other waterways still at ‘The more that the scientists look, the more problems they find ~ for example, arsenic in a drinking water reservoir, contaminated well water, fish kills, polluted groundwater. All are unnecessary. JeepCollector91 3 months ago | like the idea of building a dam and having a useable lake for the Greenville area. The only thing | don't like about the idea is that would put an end to anyone that likes to go on longer boat outings between Greenville and Washington. Also, ifthe dam would be downstream of Port Terminal, would a new Wildlife ramp be constructed on the downstream side of the dam? Or could they build a lock, for the dam? If they constructed a lock I think that would attract even more boaters from downstream to come to the lake and to Greenville. US_First JeepCollecor91 - 3 months ago ‘Yes, they had that idea in 1850s.. Didn't work out because of bad engineering management, politics and war. Roosevelt Minkey -3 months az0 There would be a massive price tag. WolfgangChoco - 3 months ago Put some fish in it to is a good idea ! immagetminses 3 months go ‘Somehow I get this feeling that this is probably a bad idea. [ have no data to spout out or even a decent debate, just an opinion. However | am disclaiming at this time, i advantage of it lol, it works I'm so gonna take ej 3 months ago interesting idea, not sure where i stand on it, seems a bit ridiculous, almost like an ECU student design contest of something. even if itis approved by the city council, which wouldn't surprise me, they will never obtain the necessary permits. a dam would probably disrupt the migration and mating ritual of the Carolina Turd Snail or something, Jy will have to wait on sea=level rise for that waterfront property, Greenville, But according to Big Al, that wait shouldn't be too long now, lol. US_Fiest 3 months ag0 Its not a bad idea. Anyone who thinks that any civie project is without those looking to make money from the process is pretty naive. Don't dislike the idea just because you don't like idea people making money. A lake will filter the watershed better than the river alone. Water front perimeter will increase for development, recreation and business opportunity. Wetland area should also increase a lot which should positively impact the ecosystem if you think more wetland is better. Fishing stocks should increase with more water area for food, spawning, cover for juvenile fish and spreading out fishing pressure. Lam not a hydro engineer but | have to assume that if they are bringing up the possibility of a dam supplying power then there must be some math supporting it. I'll reserve judgment. Thave regularly enjoyed the Tar River from Greenville to Little Washington for the past 25 years. I have always felt that Greenville would benefit from a bigger and more recreational waterfront. If Greenville can make a lake it will be a boon for development and business. I support it pending details on funding. Developers expecting to benefit from the project should be contributing. If power can be returned to the grid from a dam then I expeet GUC to pitch in This may all be for not considering the absolute powers the EPA has given itself in all matters concerning water. It could take them 25 years to study the plan before deciding to study it again for another 25 years. DanT US First 3 months ago Profit isn't necessarily good or bad, but you need to check your science..... US First Dan’ 3 months ago OK. Mike Byrd US First-3 months ago Might be ok for land locked fish, but the river is vital for ocean going shad, herring, striped bass, white bass.etc. all these fish have to migrate up the river to the right areas to spawn so they can continue to survive. Even with fish ladders in place it would have to greatly inhibit these fish from spawning, I'm sure a lot of real estate owners in the right areas would get rich on new water front property, and I'm sure they are behind the most of it. US First Mike Byrd 3 montis ago Good point but what is the magie behind spawning in Rocky Mount or Tarboro? Did the Rocky Mount reservoir diminish the stripped bass population when it was built? Is there evidence to suggest that future striped bass generations won't spawn around port terminal if that as far as they can go? Just asking because I really don't know. I really don't care if someone gets rich if'a Greenville lake is made. Someone will still get rich if one is not made. Anyone can position themselves to take advantage of any situation. Too much obsession about who will get rich just taints all progress. Someone gets rich on making toilet paper and I hope I never meet the person who stops wiping their A$$ because i DogerRickson Mike Byrd 3 months ago I would like to hear what other municipalities would have to say about this. How would this change Washington? Also, all the way up to Greenville the river is at sea level and our currenttide is affected greatly by wind direction. Would this cause flooding when the wind blew in? What would happen when the wind blew water out? Would Greenville be more like Weldon and the "rocktish capital of the pamico" because the rock couldn't make it upstream. I have always heard Tarboro is the Pamlico spawning grounds for rock. Jimmy Jack DogerRickson 3 months ago T was wondering about the tides too. I've been out on the river around Greenville and noticed the fluctuation between high and low tides. Will Robertson »3 months ago So will they call it "Lake Floyd?" Mike Byrd Will Robertson 3 months ago Lake Floyd, thats a good one, LOL, Thats exactly what this proposed lake would look like They would be flooding the now 100 year flood plain. This land down here is too flat for dams, you need steep grade on the current river and som bluffs would be nice when forming a lake. Ifall they want is a recreational water park, why don't they just dig some more ponds. Will Robertson Mike Byrd 3 months ago Somehow, | figure money is involved. ‘TheTruthHurts - 3 months ago I thought we already had two in Greenville. When it rains Arlington & Evans become one and Elm And Greenville BLVD becomes the other. OrdinaryDude 3 months ago This has "disaster" written all over it ‘Truth_Reality 3 months ag0 Any info as to whether any people/homes would be displaced? Star-Lord 3 months ago 'm curious where the funds will come from to build it. Will Robertson Star-Lord - 3 months. ago ‘They expect a big harvest from the money tree this summer. A little water, add manur voila! ObservationComplete 3 months ase You could stand in the middle of town and pass out $20 bills and someone would complain that they're not getting a $10 & two $5. 2TooTired ObservationComplete 3 months ago More power to the person brave enough to stand in the middle of Uptown/Downtown Greenville with a handful of $20 bills!! swampraf 3 months ago Is this, perhaps, to increase the value of the land surrounding the proposed area by creating water front, which invariably leads to higher land value and greater tax revenue? WITN, a little more digging please. Who is pushing the idea? What is their reasoning? Follow the money... NC Dolfan swamprat 3 months ago ‘And what's wrong with that? | actually think this is an excellent idea. We basically have a huge unusable swamp just north of the Tar River. I think a lake would be a much better use of the area, swamprat NC Dolfin 3.months ago follow the money. That is what this is about. Do not try to mislead anyone, i swamprat 3 monthsage i think you nailed it Northern Progressive 3 monthsago When you see all the garbage around the Tar River and how little the people in town seem to care about it, [don't know why you would want to create a larger body of water for them to trash ‘Ta, Northem Progressive 3 months ago Same can be said for section 8. eanLuc Picard Taz 3 monthsase Tam saddened that I only have on upvote to give to that comment. Pamlico Nation Norther Progressive | 3 months ago Well, | have to say that here is another one of the few things we can agree on. Let's also not forget the ecological impacts of dams. I can’t for the life of me see how this would ever be ‘200d for the Striped Bass populations, the state has worked too long and hard to bring these fish back as well as many others just as an example. swamprat Norther Progressive 3 months ago ‘The dam create an opportunity to skim a lot of that trash off and clean the water shed. jalapenopepper Norther Progressive Zmonthsago Thave to agree with you. Just had the same conversation this weekend. I walk town ‘commons regularly and some days I'm just disgusted with what I see floating down the river. People are just common, I saw a guy pull up to a red light not too long ago and literally throw all his trash out the window. Fast food bags, cups, pure garbage. He even looked at me while he did it without a care. 2TooTired - 3 months ago So, according to the story, the lake would stretch all the way from the east side of Greenville (Port Terminal), extend all the way through downtown, and end at the westernmost borders of Greenville (Ironwood). Either that is one ginormous lake or, once again, the facts in a WITN story are lacking. 2TooTired 2fooTired - 3 months ago T stand self-corrected. After reviewing the website listed by mylow in a post below, the proposed lake is going to be ginormous and run right through downtown Greenville. NC Dolfan Guest 2 montis 120 Well, if you could read, you would lear the plan is to raise the water level by 10 feet ar so making the lake 14-20 feet deep. The primary benefit of this lake would be recreational and flood control, not power generation, however low head hydroelectric systems can generate power with small water level raises (such as 10 feet.) As such power generation would be a secondary benefit. ZS Guest months ago Don't call others dumb when you spell "sporadic” as "sparatic" and your rambling post is cone long sentence. And maybe, just maybe, an engineer has been involved in the conception of this idea, A wise man once said, "Better to keep quiet and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." mylow 3 moms ago This is the site for more info. mylow - 3 months ago I believe this isthe site that gives more info about the proposal. Resources for Lake Greenville, NC - Lake Greenville, NC

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