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Yagna Mantras

Brahmrpaam brahma havir brahmgnau
brahma hutam brahmaiva tena gantavyam
brahma karma samdhin
Om nti nti nti
Om r gurubhyo nama
har om
Mantra of sacrifice, Bhagavad Gt 4.24
Om, Brahman is the giving, Brahman is the food offering, by Brahman it is offered into the
fire, Brahman is that which is to be attained by complete absorption in Brahman action.
Om peace, peace, peace
Om, reverence to the auspicious gurus, Hari Om

Closing Prayers
Om asatom sadgamaya
tamasom jyotirgamaya
mityorm amtamgamaya
Om nti nti nti
Om, lead us from untruth to Truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.
Om peace, peace, peace

Om lok samast sukhino bhavant

lok samast sukhino bhavant
lok samast sukhino bhavant
Om nti nti nti
Om, may all the beings in all the worlds

Om pramada pramidam
prt pramudacyate
prasya pramdya
Om nti nti nti
Om r gurubhyo nama
har om
Om, That is the whole, this is the whole, from the whole the whole becomes manifest taking away the whole from the
whole, the whole remains. Om peace, peace, peace
Om, reverence to the auspicious gurus
Hari Om

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