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Fighting Cardiovascular Disease in

Simple education that matters!
Here you can find simple tips about daily life and information about cardiovascular disease. You
have one body, why not protect it! So join the fight and take control of your Cardiovascular disease!

Quick Facts About CVD:

1 out of every 4 deaths is from CVD.

About 735,000 Americans will have a heart this year.

Only 54% of women in the U.S know heart disease is the #1 killer.

6 types of CVD.


(Chest pain becomes more

frequent in women, though is
likely misunderstood for

Angina- Pain in the neck/jaw area. Pain in the upper chest or


Chest pain that burning or sharp pain

Shortness of breath
Sudden sweating

Healthy Eating Tips:

What you put into your body your body's fuel
Stay away from sodium rich foods such as salts, red meats, and
Eat 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies daily for maximum uptake in
nutrients for bodily fuel.
Cook meats without the use of oil and remove the skin of chicken.
It is essential to have at least 3-4 servings of fish a day for heart health.
Stay away from carbonated beverages.
Pre plan your weekly diet plan and mix it up for variety!

Fitness: Most people believe that when you have CVD, it is dangerous to elevate the heart rate. This is
not true! In fact, in most cases it is recommended for positive heart health and function. Before going on
any fitness plan, it is important that you consult your physician for proper consultation.


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