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Chapter 19, Money, Prices, and Finance in the Postbellum Era

1834 Currency Act Set the silver to gold ratio to 16:1, lower than international market price. Silver is
undervalued at the mint and therefore virtually uncirculated.
1835 Nation out of Debt
1862 Greenbacks
1863 Nation Bank Act
1865 Contraction Act
1866 State Banks
1869 Public Credit Act , further strengthening the gold as a form of currency within the United States.
1873 Crime of 73
1890 Sherman Silver Purchas Law
1878 Bland-Allison Act
1893 Bank Panic
1894 Coxeys Army .
1896 Election of McKinley
1900 Gold Standard Act
1907 Severe Bank Panic

1908 Alrich-Vreeland Act

1913 Federal Reserve Act

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