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Calderon 1

Herman Calderon
Professor Lawson
English 113B
20 April 2015
Project Text Rough Draft
Change is something that many of us are afraid of specially changes in a government system,
but sometimes adjustments have to be done. In order to do these big changes in the government
system people have no other choice than to revolt against their government. In many situations
rebellion is required for a change and improvement. For instance a specific group of people, who
is oppressed to some type of authority, feel that their basic human rights are being taken away
unfairly start forming small groups or associations in order to plan a revolt against their
government. Rebellions can be as simple as a teenage boy going against the rules of the house or
can be as big as a civil war breaking out in a country, rebellion has no limits.
Throughout history there have been many rebellions and revolutions some of them very
memorable and historical for example; the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the
Glorious Revolution, or the October Revolution. Many of this revolutions and rebellions have
been well known not only because they had a great impact in our history but also because they
were very violent. Rebellion has nothing to do with politics, power, or violence. Rebellion has to
do with changing your mentality, consciousness, your silence, and self-being. Often, people are
led to believe that rebellion is an attempt to revolutionize the customs and lifestyles that are
familiar and safe, however Rebellion is one result of the battle between the individuality and
cultural expectations. In a rebellion is very important to have a big support from an entire
community and not only a couple of people. Usually theres no specific group who takes part of a
revolution because is mostly made up of regular people and hard workers.

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