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Main Content: ‘Teaching Approaches & Resources Gain class attention and instruct to move to floor with interview of adults Invite students to bring their interviews up and read ‘out what an adult had to say about waste management Ask the students - How does conducting an interview help with our data and inquiry? Hold up Part B: Findings section Inform students of what to do - Where will we find the information to fill in the data? ‘Stop at the graph section As a class, construct a graph on Part B: FINDINGS section Disposal of waste by people surveyed at my school on... Types of rubbish thrown away s*""WEDNESDAY GROUP***** - Asa class, run through Types of waste not placed in the bin - Asaciass, run through Amount of waste - Asacclass, run through Attitudes toward recycling and reducing ‘Show students where they can find the information on the previous pages. Will need to group specific students for support -Samuel -Nathaniel | ally

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