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Android Reverse Engineering

Honeynet Project
Santoku Linux is an other solution , it have all ths tools , + other tools of fo
Tools are in the /home/android/tools directory :
- androguard dex (Pure android decompling)==> java derictly to avoid *
JEB commercial
- android sdk/ndk
- apkinspector
- apktool
dex ==>smali (disassembling) , you can change and repacking & r
- axmlprinter
- ded
- dex2jar
(decompling) dex (dalvik ByteCode) ==>Jar (Java ByteCode) mais m
eta-data perdu * , il ya d'autre : Dara , Mocha ; et et Procyon
- droidbox
- ded
- smali/baksmali
Documentations are in each directory but you can find links in Firefox to online
If you found bugs or you would like new tools, report an issue to the homepage o
f this project :

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