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EDUC 350 Field Notes #1- Fly on The Wall

What is going on in the mind and life of an adolescent?

Sounds like
Pencil scratching down notes, students vocalizing need for support. Both on
topic conversations and off topic conversations. Laughter the reasons for
laughter coming from both peers and the teacher. Silence when the teacher
or peers are talking to the whole class.

Looks like
Desks lined up in neat rows. Students moving around to create groups.
Students sitting up and paying attention.
Feels like
There is a sense of respect in the room.
Smells like
Occasionally like body odor but also of hand sanitizer.
There are set ways that the teacher uses to silence and gain the students attention.
Take Aways:

The biggest take away I got was the fact that the
classroom did not always have to be silent to be
productive. It isn't just a teacher droning on about a
topic while students sit firmly at their desks.

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