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Group Name: L.I.

Ivette Sanchez, Linnette Mata, Nicolas Falk
Group Contract
These are the jobs chosen by the group members:
Ivette: Editor
Linnette: Researcher
Nick: Writer
We have agreed to meet face-to-face on Mondays after 5,
Tuesday after 3, and Fridays, the meeting location will be at
University of Texas at El Paso and in the library. If one of us is
unable to attend these face-to-face meetings we have agreed to
face time in thus allowing for group interaction and avoiding an
absence. In the case that we need more meeting time we all
have each others cell phone numbers and will schedule the next
meeting via text, or call. We have agreed to meet Online
whenever needed.
Addressing Tardiness:
We have agreed that upon being tardy to group meetings three
times, the individual will no longer be able to participate in our
group project.
Tardiness includes missing texts or calls that pertain to the group
Addressing Absences:
We have come to the agreement that if an individual is absent
two times they will no longer be able to participate in our group.
Addressing unpreparedness:
If a member of the group shows up with out the necessary
materials to actively participate they will be counted absent for
the day.
Addressing missed deadlines:
If a member of the group does not turn in assigned work on time
they will have two days to complete it before that task is given to
someone else in the group making them lose their credit. If this
happens two times the group member will no longer be able to
participate in our group.
Factors to vote out member:
Tardiness, unexcused absences, unpreparedness, and missing
deadlines are all factors that would lead to a member vote out.
Timeline of events:
Thursday April 9, 2015 group meeting in class to discuss and create
the group contract

Tuesday April 14, 2015 group meeting in the library to discuss group
progression and assignment due dates.
Thursday April 16, 2015 put all ideas together
Tuesday April 21, 2015 Organize all research
Thursday 23, 2015 Being website
Tuesday 28, Revise and make final touches to project
Further dates to be discussed via email and text
I, Linnette Mata, I agree with the rules and regulation of this contract.
I, Ivette Sanchez, I agree with the rules and regulation of this contract.
I, Nicolas Falk, I agree with the rules and regulation of this contract.

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