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The Urinary


of the

Urinary System
Ureters (urinary
Urinary Bladder

Kidneys- Major Functions

Excretion (removal of organic waste
products from body fluids)
Elimination (discharge of waste
products into the environment via
urination or defecation )
Homeostatic regulation (regulation
of blood plasma volume and solute
concentration of blood plasma)

Waste Products & Foreign


Ammonia/urea from amino

acid deamination
Bilirubin from Hb catabolism
Creatinine from breakdown
of creatine phosphate in
muscle fibres
Uric acid from nucleic acid
Foreign Substances (drugs,
environmental toxins)

Other Functions
Regulation of blood volume & BP
Regulation of Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+ & other ions
Regulation of blood pH
Regulation of blood glucose level
Conserve nutrients
Produce hormones (calcitriol,
Assist liver in detoxification process

Structure of the Kidney

Nephron functional unit of the


Types of Nephron
2 types:
Cortical nephrons (80-85%)
- within cortex of kidney
- short loop of Henle
- efferent arterioles delivers blood to
peritubular capillaries which
surrounds entire renal tubule

Types of Nephron

Juxtamedullary nephrons (15-20%)

- long loops of Henle extending deep
into the medulla
- peritubular capillaries connected to
vasa recta (long straight capillaries
parallel to loop of Henle)

Types of nephron

Parts of Nephron
Renal Corpuscle
Production of filtrate
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
Reabsorption of H2O, ions &


nutrients. Secretion of H+, NH4+,

creatinine, drugs, toxins
Loop of Henle
Further reabsorption of H2O
(descending limb) & Na+, Cl- ions
(ascending limb)

Parts of Nephron

Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)

Secretion of ions, acids, drugs & toxins.
Variable reabsorption of H2O, Na+, Clions.
Collecting Duct
Variable reabsorption of H2O &
reabsorption/ secretion of Na+, K+ , H+ ,
HCO3- ions.
Papillary duct
Delivery of urine to minor calyx

Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
nuclei of epithelial cells of DCT form
region known as macula densa
cells of macula densa closely
associated/ in contact with wall of
afferent arteriole known as
juxtaglomerular cells hence forming
juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)
JGA is an endocrine structure secreting
erythropoietin and the enzyme

The Collecting System

Determines final osmotic
concentration & volume of urine
Like DCT, also regulated by antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which
enhances reabsorption of water
Under aldosterone stimulation (also
like DCT) which will enhance H2O &
Na+ conservation

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