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Uber Deliver: a Lifestyle Change

Prepared for:
Uber Representatives, Professor Judith Fourzan, and class of 3359
Technical writing students.
Prepared by:
Nicolas Falk- Writer
Linnette Mata- Researcher
Ivette Sanchez Editor
Table of Contents
Executive Summary. 1
Introduction. . 2
Body Report.. 3
Task 1. Introduction of the gap..4
Task 2. Background...5
Task 3. Recommendations.6
Task 4. Benefits of innovator for developer and consumer.

There once was a time, where people could not get the food they
wanted delivered. As many people in America know not every

restaurant or fast food place deliver food, and sometimes a person can
be working late or just doesnt have transportation to pick up food.
Until now. One day, on a very sunny and hot Saturday a group of three
college students were stuck in school working on a group project, and
started going off topic and began discussing food. It was then when
they realized they were all hungry and should get a bite to eat but
there were no open places in school that day due to it being Saturday
afternoon, it was way too hot to walk to a fast food place nearby, and
Nobody had their own transportation and lived far from campus. They
all became upset and couldnt focus on their project. Out of the blue
one of the colleagues blurted out I wish there was someone that
could just bring us food from any place wed like. Right after
mentioning that another colleague agreed and thought that was a
great idea. So they decided to look up apps and search websites to see
if this had ever been thought of and soon found out it hadnt. after
some careful thought was put into the idea, the group members
decided to make this idea realistic and make a website and app. after
formatting the website and spreading the word online through El Paso
social media a few days after the idea was thought of they all borrowed
cars from either friends or family members and made signs for the
cars took pictures of them to post on their website so customers would
know who they were, did what they had to do to make this idea as
successful as possible. Soon after they received their first a call for a

delivery, which was to pick up Whataburger and deliver it at the lower

valley. One of the colleagues took the job and successfully delivered
the food still warm and received $20. The idea had worked and soon
after they received more calls after 3 months in business they began
hiring more drivers and spread all over El Paso.

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