Critical Reflection

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Tre Skorzewski

English 111
Stefan Britt
07 May 2015
Critical Reflection
The idea of my MS essay is to point out the fact that each individual and society has their
own way of looking at things. Where Ive grown up and what I have experienced influenced me
to the point of the paper. I try to use my experiences to help me write the paper and give ideas on
the way people think. My audience tends to be the whole world because the essay gives an idea
on how societies look upon other societies. Throughout the paper I try to focus towards all
societies and help them realize there are multiple ways of looking at a situation. To do this I used
Mezirow and Calandra, two accomplished writers, for sources because they best show the ideas
on points of views. I assumed that everyone has their own opinions to look at things; however I
didnt realize how much to an extent that some push others to leading to only one correct path
instead of letting themselves getting to the solution their own way. It just goes to show that right
way isnt necessarily the correct way. When I revised my essay, I try to explain my quotes and
give my ideas on it to help the audience understand what the quote might be saying. I used what I
believe as an individual and weave it into what the world seems like divided into societies. My
MS essay will give you an idea on how the world cooperates and how people have different
opinions on another.

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