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ard £ SEP 14 1915, owssomor / The Honorable The Secretary of State, Yash! ng ton, Sirte 7 T have the honor to enclose.for your informa: Hon a statement of te repressive meneures auffered by the Greek population, which T have reason to delieve Bab Deen prepared at tie Greek Paetarcate here, (Tas Department will note tat al though the perse- oution 48 on a lesser scale and has hitherto stopped short at (trect loss of life it 1s of the sme order as what has J been suffered by the Armenian persecution, Under the guise of alleged military necessity the inhabl tants of entire districts have been mde to evacuate their hones homes often without notice and to abandon their effect, Their compact communi ties have been broken up and they have been scattered in small goups im mary cases amore purely Moslem villages, ‘These measures have been carried into effect in certain insterces, amid olroumstames of great brutality. Men, women and children have beer com pelled to trudge often ina starving condition with the few wffects they were able to carry with them, ani it ie alleged, though not in this statement, that when they complained, their Turkish guards pointed to the Mosque and stated that all would be rade oasy for them if they embraced Telen / There has been almost the sare consternation here/part of the Greek as the Atmenian population, x havé the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant; Enolosure:+ Statement of the evacuation of the different towne and villages, ( -o-—-Syneuation-of—the different toms ani villases 2 __ang_vialeat_aanar_of_sxgeliingthe-ishnbitants-—— anus ative : a) During the evacuation of the peninmila of Gallipoli, on april 10th, 1915, a ea: cruelty was shown to tie Christian population, thich wis“obliced within two hours only, to gataer in the poate without being able to wake the necessary for their uwaintenince and to wake a few weamures for the protection of their goods, ‘The storeho.acs of the christians containing commercial goods were plundered in after the evacuation of the tom; those tint es- plunder were sold cy the swthorities to two Loslen ani the price of the sale was deposited % in Lamp- sco; as to the furn.ture ani other obj cts belonsin: to tae exiles, nothiag is knom about thes, all the Christian popu- lation exiled from Gallipoli and counting 22000 souls, has been scattered in different Turkish villaces,. such as Kepsir, — Bigudits, Simierg, Sousorlouk of the district of Ballixesser it mins the risk of starvation, Of the said populavion, only the refugeos of Galligoli established in Rodosto, could get a maintenance of one piaater ani a half from the Govern- sent durin; ten days; besides tais, no other assistance or situation of these pecuniary aid was unfortanites is crowing worse and yorse: they hive been scattered by croups of five, ten or twenty fasilies in the midst of people whose relijsion, language ani customs are al- tocether different fro theirs, as for example in whe dis- trict of Carassou, where the refugees tare been acittored by croaps of 30 persona, with only three sales in exch group, in different villages inhabited by lurks, a thin: which is full of dayger for them, Of the sive of tne 2 f 7 The situation of the refugees of the Danianelles after their banisimient is very aud, ‘their muber at the beginning of Nareh ’ . 2 of March.wis,of-3300.paople,ani the villase shore thay — = Nore nent iv Artucl, ~The-Govermuent. took-uo-cure of the Fr taintanance of tne poorsst of thea, in spite of the repens ted appeal that was mde to the authorities; thair state is _ pitiable; most of thaa Inck all résoui and-all meane o? — livelihood, and they are exposed io dreadful suffering: S).0f the evacuation of Coutali The inhabitants of this locity counting 1500 souls, most of them wouen and children, ive bee sant army fran their island, ‘hey were cashly throw mm in a yovernosnt deat and transferred to Faiens on June th, Thence were transferred to Amtolia on beasts of burden ani in ey lugage vane, ant they were placed in stables ant in sheep folds in the Turkish village Sourcouglou, ‘heir state is lanentable: the poor people are tirow like bensis in the “fielda, with no refuge, exposed to ao initer what weatier, and to the moisture of those places... ‘he officials who tin bin yéré* “Throw them somewhere.” ‘the good of these un- fortunstes hare deen left at the discretion of taeir neigh a ~—boursof the Turkish village, “Arabs, and at that of Ture kish merchants of ealied fish, who had coe to the island with the pretert of buying fish, Before the inkubitants had gone, these took possession of their goods, established themselves in their houscs ani to celebrate their success ‘provibly they made illuminations, a thing which %i - tanta could-notice-from-their vessels while lowing, of them ire aow in Wihalite, in the diocese of tices; ‘and the Goverment gave them during five daye 4 aad 2° paras: are entrusted sith their care eay but one sentenc @ person, (40 for adults und 20 for children) 3 it lus been giving them broad for a week, By The inhabitants of the island of Marmm were forced to evacuate their island on June 15th, under the pretext that ‘they furnished goods to the submirines, ‘they had to abandon all their goois taking only their undereloties aad mttrenses, ‘ 0 oad then vera transferred to Orta Tiol, railway station of Panor- mo, and frau ihera they wara directed towaris different un- known Localitvis left in the fields, exposed to the heat of tha day and to the abere their state is desolating. ‘They are moisture of tie night, ani they run the risk of dying of fati- gue aod of prin uniess the Government gives the necessary or- dere for vitting their tortures to an end. i Calolme. ‘The inbibitants of © 144° in muber, mostof th ced by tae authorities to leave their island olymao, in the diocess of leaidt, a omen ani children, have deen for- thin a fev hours only, Tosy could carry nothing with them, and they had to established themselves in the viliages of Terpékeuy and kiha- Lite, near Brouesa, where trey are suffgring from hunger and privation because they have given them neither food nor money since their departure, Puen. ‘tha inhabitants of Bourgas, in the diocese of Jereos, mor e tinn 3000 in masber, (men, wowen, children and old wen,) wore forced by the local authorit: to eabark 1ixa a irove of cattle in Buyuk Déré after they had marched during three hours, | ‘They were directed towards the interior of Anatolia, where the fatigue of the long way, the privations, the unger vill, without doubt, cause the denth of all of them, iiaving startei at night, they had had no time to take any measures of precaution whatever, and hey had to on June let, during tae night leave all their Goode at the discretion of the Zirsi-comer. ich is at They were not allowed to cous to Constantinople, three hours distancs frou taeir distance, aml whe) thea id relatives ani friewis, On the next day, Ii@lem refu- and occupied tneir houses; they took vossession of their fields just at the hurvest time, all of tkimahich prov:s tit the exgilsion of tne said inmbitante jst of gees invaded their villay + wis praueditated, ‘the plunier of the goods of tie stid Christians, thé seimre of their property, tie umerciful procecdings of the local authorities towaris thea are al= together contrary to the kind dispositions of tha Govern ent towards ite Christian wubjects. xno are so loyal to it, Exm/recen’ infomation, the said intabitants bia bean transferred to the Turkish villazes of Iné-Giol and Souyoul, in the diocesa of Nicsa, &, Bouvouk Déré. From day let to the Sth, the Greck inhabitants of Buyuk reta, K6f$li-keuy, Yeni wl were forced by the authorities to evacuate their Qocalities, leaving their ‘they have been scattered here uni there, and they are in nead of help wd Goods at the discretion of the first-couer, protection, Their property has been occupied by Korlaa refu- gees who have sold nost of their furniture, utensils and other goods belonging to thew, ° On February 12, the Christian intubitante of *a ~‘received.the onder. to leave within two dws, narixi ew boats __-belonging-totohumolanie, Whey ind to-erecute the onder ni abandon all their goods. ‘They are at preseat gluxzed ina dreadful wisery, ‘The inmabitants of Dommus-dér$ ive also received the order to start, signing by force an act stating that heir emigration Wis the result 6f their fear, On April 16th, the indnbitants of Baxékouy, wi on. kay 8, those of Avaskeuy, were given the order to lewo their villages, situated in the diocese of Dercos, vithin 24 hovrs, on the pretext that the villages were to be filled with sol- diers, ‘Their houses tius abandoned were left at the dis- cretion of the first-comer, 18 to them they were deprived o all resource, and plunged in misery; they implore the pity of the Goverment and ita kind assistance, ‘The inhabitants of the villages of Asygialia ant i tros 7e-nl90 revel ved—ths-onter— to start witiin-throe-inys towris local ities exiled Beyen- viliges imediately tock zosseasion of treir ;:ooda; they- mcked their churches und their tro uoneteries, ‘that of Sealoti and that of Saint Fant&l&inon, on ‘arch 17th ae, the intnbitants of srrwnitih » of the diocese of Chalce- don, shere thers are %00 tireak fanilies vere oblized to leave and to go in have established lidza ani coula, rt to Duritea, cose families @uselyes in Beiens ani “'ziboucli, Cane weir houses bave been seized by the nobadjirs, 7 Bxtracta fi reports dated July 8, 9 and 12, 1915, 503° Orthodox Christians hovize been oblivved to aban- don their villazes ani to 0 to tho e+ ‘ion of Oktsi-Giol, one ho r distance from yanorio, are suffering terribly, Y are deprived from all resoarce, exzoned to the burme ing heat of the day and to the uoisture cf the aight, they lack brend ami water, “Ty qusnch their thin to go toa Locality situated at or they Fave — cour's listanee from the pluce there they are mathered, They ara waiting for protection of u Sovermnens in order to be transferred to the interior, with the exception of a fey persons, ave some moriey ani can go t0 the siacss iG Which “thay were ordered to go; they thus encape the sufferigg which overwbelas the. others. Lose than ten fram these suf feri: es ‘The ou: who ‘sons a day die authorities do not al- lov the ecclesiastical authorities to caasinicate vith their spiritual children, ani to distrigute to the poorest aang them a Little pecuniary aid, Ko one place is indicated te the christian refugees Zor their establishuent, but they are transferred fro one place to anoth er Like beaste, //4 20 . os o-that-they my ve inter oppressed, The sayor of misti attempted to carry off « young girl called Yaitea, er- who case fromlisidos, and who-was Livi: school af the said camamity with other Zanilies which were lixe-herself refugess froa Kermsti, ‘i to hide her and te prevent and the uyor proceeded to all norte of violences agninsi @ tried er ftom Losi her honor, the Christin refugees ingeneral, and especially against hor compatriot, Foti thdji Nicol . who succeeded in ai- ding her, ‘he intter was exiled with hia family to « sti, ca 7 In-the evacuated villase of Kossuija, in the diocese of Cysiqua, the Turks polluted the holy church, where they put the holy utessils, the holy pictarss und the village eight hore distance from x altar inte pieces, In the sais villyse the crops have baen abanionad to the isvadera; the soldiers uls0 take possession of all tmt is left: rinos Kicalaoy, 18 well as two oxen ani a cow were sold for Lt, 60, asi 151 goate were sold for 1500 pina- ‘vers. —the inslen powies that tie autherity mts $0 28- tablish inthe islands of the darmra, refuse to do 0, on the pretext that the said islands are barren, “hat refu- sal roases the anger of the sous-gouverasur of Fnnonao, 250 sheep, velonging to who his given then tint order, The mmber of Orthalox Ohrietina Yeftgeas originating "> from the dioceses of Gallipoli, :riconisses ami the Daria néiles iv supposed to ve 40000, ‘They have all been scattered inaore thin 70 villages wiiah are purely liselem, and where ayer ul religiow watert ant alr-wpirited errs They xxw lack ovaa, whit is still mre terrible, bird bred A,) Analytical table of the populations, Churches, Monasé. véries, Uuapéls ami Schools of the evacuated localities ———______niscese of caltipsti a Grecx Cmr, Chap, Caild, Clas, Girle Class Gallipoli 3360 4 6 2 1 Angelohori 1985 1 2 1 1 cavacli 236 1 1 3 wixte Taifiri 140 2 1 1 5 . Flayiari isco z 3 1 5 . Fergazion * s10 1 3 1 3 7 Nbnoori, 2370 1 3 a 5 1 Yairon 1600 1 2 1 4 nixte kadytos 7348 7 1 1 7 1 crithia z320 1 4 1 aixte. Galatas 1276 1 L L Bishopric of: Broussa, Signie 16331 1 1 1 ‘triglia 3633 6 6 1 1 Eligni 1370 1 1 1 1 Arvanitonori 210 1 1 Néonori, 633, 1 1 Késsévolis 1263 1 1 1 1 Faladari 2355 2 2 1 1 Bishopric of the Dardanelles Dardanbhlee = 3307 PP ~ Bishopric of Dercos Fyrgos qaiz 1 L 1 5 Bouyoukderé 1541 3 1 1 3 mage epee nceemere Kefilixeuy Kiretz Bournou Ponousdérs 606 1 avaskeuy slo 48201 mS 1 Pi shogric Arvanitohori 114 1 of ile Ch, it a wR leas 1a Ms M4 14 Caled tig toms Ammoutli Yali Tsiflix 496 1 1 Kouseasja 4 Bavoudji 262 eal Koursouli 400 vo. Yenixeuy 1 1 i 5 1 Loupida 2 7 1 * 1 + Heraclitea 475 1 1 1 4 - _Biehapric of

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