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>In the blues, it is unusual to see a plain major or minor chord.Instead, we usu
ally use 7th or 9th chords.
>Remember that the lowest note of the Pattern 1 of the pentatonic minor scale is
the root.
>The daily practice of scales is extremely important and will pay off later in g
ood technique and understanding of the fingerboard.
>Whatever fret you are playing with your first finger is the same as the positio
n number.
>The blue note - is b5 or #4.
>You can always use any note of the chord you are on, regardless of whether or n
ot it's in the scale you are using. It will always sound right. This add variety
and color to your sound.
>SPREAD RHYTHM involves using only two notes of the chord.
>A DOUBLE STOP is two notes (strings) played simultaneously.
>Voice Leading is the movement of the voices, or notes, of one chord to the voic
es or notes of the next chord.
>The Circle of fifths: Pick a note which will be de I chord. The next note, coun
ting clockwise from I, is V in that key. The next counting counter-clockwise fro
m I is IV in that key.
>Ninth chords function the same as seventh chords, so the can be used anywhere a
seventh chord can.
>You should try to develop the strength to bend strings with ease using any sing
le finger.
>When you are benging the middle strings, a general rule is to always bend away
from the string you will play next.
>A PICK-UP is a melodic figure or riff leading into the first full measure of a
tune. It cult also be a drum riff, or vocal part, or any other instrumentation a
t the beginning of a tune.

>The minor pentatonic scale consists of the notes 1,3,4,5 and 7 of the natural m
inor scale.
>When the blue note is added to the minor pentatonic scale, we then call the omb
ined scale the BLUES SCALE.
>The last two bars of a 12-bar blues progression are called the turnaround. It h
as the purpose of moving from the I to the V chord and back to I.
>The major pentatonic scale consists of the 1,2,3,5 and 6 of the major scale.
>Pattern 1 of the major pentatonic scale looks exactly like Pattern 2 of the min
or pentatonic.
ssbdbDFBb RSBNbfdb

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