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No. Piano 1A , Fish - No. 1 and 2 [2 starts] Ist time, continue at cue: ADAM: Eve had caught some new kind of animal. Moderate 2- moving 2nd time, continue at cue: 1, Now I could swear That it's a ADAM: You're standing in 2, Ws not a fish, Fish nev - er the way. of scien oe Hat 2 Oe ee pits Tho! it re- semblesus in ev-'ry way but size, And this one does tho' on oc - ca-sion it says "goo." She gives it milk = She picks it Its legs are long. So I sus- (8-153) 7 up and pats and pets it when it cries, pect that it's a kind of kan-ga ~ roo, But it's ri - dic-u-lous to make them house-hold She's got-ten madder by the min- ute and it g She pit-ied fish. I pit-y Eve. = = = . ubato 6 a Se = = ar = ==> an a pets. She says it's not a fish-—- I say it is a fish shows, Justnow 1 said to her That I” would much pre-fer o 1. > on I mp St. Harp, WW, Bra = * = = ae [Applause] Tempo D.C. (to Vamp) "Cause it sur- rounds it-self with wa-ter Al-most ev - 'ry chance it gets! To have it stuffed for my col - lec-tion And she punched me in the nose! 8ea~ 1F ft 2 ‘segue No. 14 Fish-No. 3 ‘i [Adam enters] a Moderate 2- moving ADAM: It's grow-ing teeth Pao., Harp, Bells, FL (+8 va) ene Piano And I'm con ~ vinced that what we have here is a bear! in, 7 7m I'm wor-ried sick! But Eve is not, (eB-35va) 48 muz-zle that I made for it to wear, T've searched the woods. 88 Tve.bait-ed traps. And yet I could-n't find its sis-ter or its a b z L G8) Rubato And tho! I've hunt-ed far and wide, While Eve has hard - ly stepped out- tn —_——— T vin st, Ha, TE a va et aeeenes , mn & Ti be damned if she did-n't catch an - oth-er, segue

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