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Shirisha Naraharisetti

January 22nd 2014

I teach a girl her spelling words for that week. Then I teach her some other
words and her old spelling words. We have to sit outside the class as she
gets distracted very easily. Generally we sit outside and 4th grade students
pass us to go to their class and the girl gets distracted, so I give her break
during that time.
The teacher told to give stickers to the student on the day she concentrates.
This worked well but she gets distracted when 4th grade students pass by us
to get to their class after lunch recess. So I watched for two days when
exactly they are coming. Then I told her that if she works hard then she can
draw for 2 to 3 min. just before the kids come from recess and I told the girl
that now is the drawing time and if she doesnt concentrate then she misses
the drawing time. This is working for now.

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