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Salwa Alhajeri
Professor Ditch
English 113B
08 May 2015
When Women Act Like Men in Bravery
Who would take a serious step, no matter how hard it is? Who would have the courage to
do something risky and unexpected; its called bravery. Bravery is the quality that allows
someone to do things that are dangerous or frightening. Bravery. Merriam-webster.
Dictionary, n.p. n.b. When a person wants to be brave he or she is trying to break the limit of
fear. When people try to prove their status by taking the risk in order to reach their aims. In
general there are two kinds of bravery; First is Literal Bravery, and its means when a person has
the courage to say the right thing in order to repair defects in society. Second is Physical Bravery,
and it means when a person stays strong in hard situations and never runs away from their
responsibilities. People in the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society are characterized
with bravery in World War II. Their unity together lets them be brave enough to face the harsh
situations. In the Guernsey Potato Peel Society show their unity with reading the books, and
being brave enough by breaking the rules in order to survive in World War II, and there were
some characters in the book who are important examples of bravery, such as Juliet, Elizabeth,
and Mr. Dawsey.
The Potato Peel Society demonstrated that the people during the war were not just
surviving, they were brave enough to survive till World War II ends. One of the characters in The
Guernsey Potato Peel Society is Dawsey Adams. He was a pig farmer and he was the first person
who wrote to Juliet Ashton whose the writer of the Guernsey Potato Peel Society. One

afternoon, my neighbor, Mrs. Maugery, sent me a note. Come quick, it said. And bring a butcher
knife. I tried not to get my hopes high-but I set out for the manor house at a great clip. And it was
true! She had a pig, a hidden pig, and she invited me to join in the feast with her and her
Mr. Dawsey was trying to hide a few pigs but he couldnt, when he went to Mrs.
Muaugery house he couldnt believe his eyes, when Mrs. Muaugery has invited him for a roasted
pig. She was actually hidden it from the Germens and they never noticed it. It was a brave step
that Mrs. Maugery took, because she knew that she would be in a trouble if the Germans figured
that she hidden the pig, and her friends will be in a trouble too, because they kept the secret of
Mrs. Maugery stealing and hidden the pig from the Germans.
Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you
don't believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future.
Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it's good for you even if every step weighs
a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost
your reason. Andrew Solomon Quotes, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression..
Goodreads. n.p. n.b. In this quote the author is saying to believe in people that we love even If
we do not believe. This when The Guernsey Potato Peel Society people believe in one and
another. And when the author Andrew Solomon says; To seek out the memories depression
takes away and project them into the future, is the Potato Peel Society when they had a harsh
time together they tried to not memories whats left behind them and try to look for the future by
surviving with each other. Be brave; be strong with all the situations that some characters have
been through with courage like Mrs. Maugery, Dawsey and their friend John who was drunk
after the dinner, and left outside with Dawsey, because he were drunk he was almost to reveal the

secret of the pig that Mrs. Maugery hidden from the Germans.
Elizabeth Mckenna was a clever and strong woman during War World II. In this situation
proves Elizabeths bravery towards the Germans. She acted like she didnt see any pistols at all.
She walked up to the officer in charge and started talking. You never heard such lies. How sorry
she was that we had broken curfew. How we had been attending a meeting of the Guernsey
Literary Society. In such as a terrifying situation when Mr. Dawsey and one of Mrs. Muaugerys
friends, his name is John Booker who walked cross the road at night, John drunk more than he
should at dinner, so he forgot himself. John would probably say everything to the Germans
without noticing himself, because he was drunk enough to realize what is he doing or where is
he. The Germans might kill John and Mr. Dawsey, because of Johns drunkenness. After that
situation Elizabeth acted in a smart and brave way. She was so brave in that situation. She acted
naturally in front of the German soldiers like nothing happened. And she knew that the Germans
are serious and might shoot them. Their company would make them even stronger and braver
together. They knew that if they kept such lies to the Germans they would probably be killed.
The most amazing thing that even that they are not related to each other, non of them actually,
but they kept their unit strong and never let go of each other just like a family.
Another brave situation that Elizabeth did, is that one night the German soldiers
discovered that the islanders feasted on a hidden pig and Elizabeth gathered them in the literary
club, which they are not suppose to meet because of the German soldiers, which this literary club
became later a place where the Potato Peel Society people gather to read books and share their
obsession with books, it let them never fear the world around them, it became just like they have
the answers they needed when they read books, and more than that they share their thoughts,
quotations and information with each other. The most amazing thing in reality, the truth is when

people read books they became more intelligent, cautious enough to understand peoples point
and most is to know about the society all round the world. Reading was the only thing to let the
people in the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society to be cautious about the war. The
Author of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society Mary Ann quoted; It was amazing
to me then, and still is, that so many people who wander into bookshops don't really know what
they're after they only want to look around and hope to see a book that will strike their fancy.
And then, being bright enough not to trust the publisher's blurb, they will ask the book clerk the
three questions: (1What is it about? (2 Have you read it? (3 Was it any good? And thats when
people in the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society where amazed about books actually
as what Mary Ann said.
One of the main characters in The Guernsey Potato Peel Society is Juliet Ashton. Juliet is
a well-known writer and important character in the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie
Society. She was brave since childhood. When Juliet was 12 year old, she ran away from her
uncles house because he wasnt taking care of her well. After Juliets uncle sending her to a
boarding school she grew up with Sophie whose till now is a Juliets best friend. In The
Secondhand Bookseller by Marina Nemat, when her bravery when she was young, she lied to
her Mother in order to go by herself to the bookstore to buy herself a book and she kept it a
secret without telling her Mother, and it ends up this behavior let her speaks out loud in her class
in school when she was sixteen year old student, which led her to be in prison but at the end she
awarded as the first Human Dignity Prize by the European Parliament and Selection from her
memoir Prisoner Tehran., Just like Juliet Ashton when her childhood let her take the step to be
independent and brave to escape from her uncles house till she grew up and lent to became in a
strong personality and independent woman.

Juliet didnt care how handsome or rich for a man to marry. Mr. Dawsey said, Hello
Juliet. He was on top of the big stepladder. I found that out later when he made so much noise
coming down it. Juliet said she would like a word with Dawsey, if the gentleman could give hew
a minute. They said certainly, and left the room. Dawsey said, Is something wrong, Juliet? Is Kit
all right? Kits fine. Its me-I want to ask you something. Oh, I thought, shes going to tell
him not to be sissy. Tell him he must stir himself up and go propose to Remy at once. But she
didnt. What she said was, Would you like to marry me?. What a shock and brave moment for
woman to propose a man to marry her. In our reality man who actually proposes woman, but
Juliet took this huge step to ask a man to marry her.
Bravery is such as an amazing character for a person to be characterizing with. People
would be amazed when they read stories by the author Annie Barrows of the book The
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Juliet Ashton and Elizabeth characters would
influence women to act like men in bravery way in such as harsh situations, and not be weak.
Also, each different situation in the story would give the readers to think in another way like they
could connect the story to the reality when they read about the characters action.

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