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Ivon Ochoa

English 113B
Professor Ditch
19 March 2015
The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society Gender roles
In the novel we were introduced to a variety of characters, two of those who were strong
women. Elizabeth McKenna a young lady from London who was on the wars outset and was
also the witted founder of the society. Dawsey Adams, a man from the Channel Island, who was
the first Guernsey correspondent and a close friend to Elizabeth. After acquiring a book who has
Juliets name and a London address, Dawsey contacts Juliet. Juliet then visits the island which
ends in her permanent residence there. She begins a remarkable journey with the members of the
society learning about the island, their taste in books, and the impact of the German occupation.
Through the novel The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society the main characters
Elizabeth, Dawsey & Juliets gender roles are reversed in a good way due to the current events of
Elizabeth McKenna is mother to four-year-old Kit McKenna. Elizabeth is not however
physically on the island during the present-day action of the novel and does not directly
communicate with Juliet, yet she still functions as the protagonist of the islanders. She has been
missing since being deported from Guernsey as punishment for helping a Polish slave worker.
Later word reaches to the islanders that she was killed at a concentration camp. Elizabeth had a
truly personable nature and could easily earn the trust of practically anyone through her
kindness. Elizabeth retains a positive disposition even throughout the dark scenary of World War

II. Some of Elizabeths decisions were assuredly not supported by the islanders and they could
not help but disapprove her daring decision to become romantically involved with a German.
However, Elizabeth was a strong character throughout the novel and her quick wit and thinking
led to a support network that would bring the islanders together during the horrors of the German
occupation. Through her perseverance Elizabeth goes against the typical domestic gender role as
she took on decisions that islanders would disapprove of.
Juliets a journalist whose successful book inspires the islanders of Guernsey to write
letters to her. Her personal journey from boredom to joy and self-fulfillment begins with the
connection of the letters from the Guernsey islanders and when she sets to visit Channel island
which leads to her permanent residency there. She quickly learns that almost every islander held
often a close, relation to Elizabeth. Juliets character is molded by her childhood as she was
orphaned and raised by an uncle who paid little attention to her and spent most of her childhood
in boarding school. She however remained strong and developed into a kind, independent young
woman. Juliet states she refuses to be any mans trophy wife, no matter how handsome and rich
he may be. Her personal independence is utmost until she finds love and experiences changes
that would change the direction her future would ultimately take.

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