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Sadi Massamba
Professor Corri Ditch
English 113B
22 March 2015
Defining Family

In the book call The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
and Annie Barrows talks about the member of the book club, who started up as a group of
friends, but their relationship went beyond just friendship; they became family. The connection,
or the relationship that they had helped them to overcome all the struggle they faced after the war
.and this shows that family is not only people you born with but family can be anyone you meet
during your journey of life.
Juliet and Sophie had a strong relationship because they were best friend and they knew
each other since their childhood. But their relationship went beyond just friendship. They cared
about each others feelings, they respected each others point of view and they also shared many
experiences with each other. This is exactly what family members do. Juliet considered Sophie as
a member of her family even though she was not literally part of her family because she is not
blood related. After Sophie moved to Australia, Juliet was really sad and lonely because she felt
like she couldnt do anything by herself any more. Every time she needed advice about her
choice she contacts Sophie by sending her a letter and asking for her opinion. Then she states
that, I wish you were here. I wish we still lived together in our lovely little studio and worked in
dear Hawkes shop and ate crackers and cheese for supper every night (Ann and Barrows 132)
Juliet is just revealing her feelings about Sophies absence and the quote shows that they use to
live in a same place, which she called studio, and they had supper overnight together. This shows

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the love, affection, intimacy they had with each other. When friends move apart loneliness takes
place because separation limit people to get in touch as they use to. And this is exactly how Juliet
felt about Sophie when she moved to Australia.
Not only that Juliet and Sophie were just friends but they became family because they
could talk about their secrets to each other, Which a lot people, children do not do with their
family member .In the article Power of Friendship, we can see the impact of friendship in our
lives, the author Giant states friend plays a vital role in our lives, and each friendship is unique.
We maintain same of our friends over many years and through many life changes. The power of
friendship and how it shapes our lives is often an overlooked aspect of life Giant is saying that
friend have or play a huge role in our lives especially good friends they develop a trust in us in
which we feel free to talk about our secret. Secret that cannot be discuss with relative .This how
I define family, people you meet at church, school, childhood, work can become part of your
family, family is not only your blood related but anybody that you meet and have the same belief
character and passion.
The people of book club believed in and helped each other in ways that nobody could
imagine, and this connection opened door to the impossible. In many ways they consider each
other like brothers and sisters .As Juliet states I have been getting your house all ready for you .I
asked several of my friend at market to write to you of their experiences, so I hope they do (Ann
and Barrows 139) Juliet is not just saying that Isola is welcome to her house, also she is
expressing that Isola is welcome to treat Juliets house as her own because they were just like
members of the same family. It is the relationship between them caused Juliet to call her own
house Isolas house: thats family. Also members of the book club felt safe and secure while they
were to a friend house, thats why Juliet could say my house is your house, lets get your things

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and go home. It sounded wonderful, as though it really were my home. The relationship created
a trust. Things like that is often done by people from the same family but people of the book club
went beyond friendship and created a family within their society.

The term family is often assumed to refer to blood related persons. Additionally, we may
think of family as also referencing new people that you never see or meet in life that may have
the same passion and ideas. In the movie Caines Arcade we can see the real definition of family
As Nirvan Caines manager states I meet Caine randomly, I had to get a door handle for my
96corolla, so I pulled into this used auto part store Nirvan is simply saying that he did not know
Caine, he met him just occasionally but since they had the same vison and passion, that effect
pulled them together and they became family, just randomly. The Relationship between Caines
and Nirvan also went beyond just being a customer.

Family is all about caring and sharing and what Nirvan did to Caine can be consider as
family. He saw the talent that Caine had, he could make things such as basketball hoop, and offer
ticket to his customer, and Nirvan cared about Caines talent and helped him by posting his work
on the internet so people can learn about him. Just by reading and watching what Nirvan posted
about Caine people started to donate, others wanted to see and play with the boxes that Caine
created. Because of that Nirvan became his number one manager, a person that Caine did not
know or have never meet helped him to become known in the entire society. This is what parents
or blood related sisters and brothers do to their children or siblings, they always care about their
future, but Caines case is totally different, it was not his blood related but a random person that

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he met in his workplace. This is just an example that shows and define family the way it should
be considered.
The member of the book club understood the concept of family which is why they did not
limit themselves by just being friends, they elaborated their relation. They view themselves like
family. This defining family is explore in the article defining family where the author Lisa states
My view of a family is not only my relative but the closest to me. I dont believe in a normal
family because nobodys is normal and not everyones family is perfect. My family is now
consists of my siblings, parents, and best friends. I consider my friends my family because I love
them and they are like brothers and sisters to me. Lisa is simply saying that people you meet
during your journey of life can impact your life more than your blood related family. Although
the film, book and article have different approach of the topic, but they teach us the meaning of
Although you may have your own way of defining family, however there are an infinity
number of defining with which any person can have his/her own. But we probably dont realize
it, but the book, video and articles teach us the meaning of family. It introduced us to a new idea
just by reading the quote that they provided. The bond that the member of the book club created
Caused them to treat each other in a passion ways for example Dawsey raising kit. It is not easy
to raise a child, but the book tell us that Kit received all the intention that he needed. For
example feeding him, going outside to play, protecting him and making a bed for him. This
defining family is well explore in the book where the other states that I tried to protect , I
gathered Kit up and we came on home Kit and I walked up to the church this afternoon, Kit
was playing among the tomb stone . The quote is basically showing how Kit was treated, the
love they provided make him feel safe: that is family because people can be able to understand

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the real meaning of family just by looking or reading the way Kit was treated. The bond, passion
helped them to build a strong relationship that can be call family.
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society defines family as any group of people that
share a way of life. It also shows that family can consist of anybody you meet during your
journey. People that you share same passion can easy became part of your family.

Massamba 6

Work cited
Ann, Shaffer and Barrows, Annie The Garnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society:
BESTSELLER New York Times, 31 December. Web 02March 2015.
Belkin, Lisa. Defining family article: Learning ability New York time.25 February, 2011. Web
31March 2015.
Caines Arcade movie
Lynda, Giant: the power of friendship article: Campus Center csun database, Washington
informed.17june 2007. Web 31March 2015.

Massamba 7

Sadi Massamba
Professor Corri Ditch
English 113B
08 May 2015
Defining Family

The book call The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Mary Ann Shaffer and
Annie Barrows reveals much about the aftermath of World War II in England, the novel is at
once an unlike love story, portrayal of heroism and survival, and a subtle homage to the bond
forget by literature. Talking about the members of the book club, who started up as a group of
friends, but their relationship went beyond the quality of just being friends; they become family.
The connection, bond or the relationship they have help them to overcome all the struggles they
face after the war .And this shows that family is not only a person who is born in your household
but family can be anyone you meet during your journey of life.
Juliet and Sophie have a strong relationship because they are best friends and they knew
each other since their childhood. But their relationship went beyond just friendship. They care
about each others feelings, they respect each others point of view and they also share many
experiences with each other. This is exactly what family members do. Juliet considers Sophie as
a member of her family even though she is not literally part of her family because she is not
blood related. After Sophie move to Australia, Juliet is really sad and lonely because she felt like
she could not do anything by herself any more. Every time she needed advice about her choice
she contacts Sophie by sending her a letter and asking for her opinion. Then she states that, I
wish you were here. I wish we still lived together in our lovely little studio and worked in dear
Hawkes shop and ate crackers and cheese for supper every night (Ann and Barrows 132) Juliet

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is just revealing her feelings about Sophies absence and the quote shows that they use to live in
a same place, which she called studio, and they had supper overnight together. This shows the
love, affection, intimacy they had with each other. When friends move apart loneliness takes
place because separation limit people to get in touch as they use to. And this is exactly how Juliet
felt about Sophie when she moved to Australia.
Not only that Juliet and Sophie were just friends but they became family because they
could talk about their secrets to each other; Which a lot people, children do not do with their
family member .In the article Power of Friendship; we can see the impact of friendship in our
lives, the author Lynda Giant states friends plays a vital role in our lives, and each friendship is
unique. We maintain same of our friends over many years and through many life changes. The
power of friendship and how it shapes our lives is often an overlooked aspect of life Giant is
saying that friends have or play a huge role in our lives especially good friends they develop a
trust in us in which we feel free to talk about our secret. Secret that cannot be discussed with
relatives .This is how I define family: people you meet at church, school, childhood, work can
become part of your family; family is not only your blood related but anybody that you meet and
have the same belief character and passion.
The people of book club believed in and helped each other in ways that nobody could
imagine, and this connection opened door to the impossible. In many ways they consider each
other like brothers and sisters .As Juliet states I have been getting your house all ready for you .I
asked several of my friend at market to write to you of their experiences, so I hope they do (Ann
and Barrows 139) Juliet is not just saying that Isola is welcome to her house, also she is
expressing that Isola is welcome to treat Juliets house as her own because they were just like
members of the same family. It is the relationship between them caused Juliet to call her own

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house Isolas house: thats family. Also members of the book club felt safe and secure while they
were at a friend house, thats why Juliet could say my house is your house, lets get your things
and go home. It sounded wonderful, as though it really were my home. The relationship created
a trust. Things like that is often done by people from the same family but people of the book club
went beyond friendship and created a family within their society.

The term family is often assumed to refer to blood related persons. Additionally, we may
think of family as also referencing new people that you never see or meet in life that may have
the same passion and ideas. In the movie Caines Arcade we can see the real definition of family
As Nirvan, Caines manager, states I meet Caine randomly, I had to get a door handle for my
96corolla, so I pulled into this used auto part store Nirvan is simply saying that he did not know
Caine, he met him just occasionally but since they had the same vison and passion, that effect
pulled them together and they became family, just randomly. The Relationship between Caines
and Nirvan also went beyond just being a customer. Caine, Nirvan and his customers created a
bond that is similar to the one that the members of the book club created. They become family
like the members of the Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society. Family is all about caring
and sharing and what Nirvan did to Caine can be consider as family. He saw the talent that Caine
had, he could make things such as basketball hoop, and offer ticket to his customer, and Nirvan
cared about Caines talent and helped him by posting his work on the internet so people can learn
about him. Just by reading and watching what Nirvan posted about Caine people started to
donate, others wanted to see and play with the boxes that Caine created. Because of that Nirvan
became his number one manager, a person that Caine did not know or have never meet helped
him to become known in the entire society. This is what parents or blood related sisters and

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brothers do to their children or siblings, they always care about their future, but Caines case is
totally different, it was not his blood related but a random person that he met in his workplace.
This is just an example that shows and define family the way it should be considered.
However the member of the book club understood the concept of family which is why
they did not limit themselves by just being friends, they elaborated their relation. They view
themselves like family. This defining family is explore in the article Defining Family where the
author Lisa Belkin states My view of a family is not only my relative but the closest to me. I
dont believe in a normal family because nobodys is normal and not everyones family is
perfect. My family is now consists of my siblings, parents, and best friends. I consider my
friends my family because I love them and they are like brothers and sisters to me. Lisa is
simply saying that people you meet during your journey of life can impact your life more than
your blood related family. Although the film, book and article have different approach of the
topic, but they teach us the meaning of family.
Although you may have your own way of defining family, however there are an infinity
number of defining with which any person can have his/her own. But we probably dont realize
it, but the book, video and articles teach us the meaning of family. It introduced us to a new idea
just by reading the quote that they provided. The bond that the member of the book club created
Caused them to treat each other in a passion ways for example Dawsey raising kit. It is not easy
to raise a child, but the book tell us that Kit received all the intention that he needed. For
example feeding him, going outside to play, protecting him and making a bed for him. This
defining family is well explore in the book where the other states that I tried to protect , I
gathered Kit up and we came on home Kit and I walked up to the church this afternoon, Kit
was playing among the tomb stone . The quote is basically showing how Kit was treated, the

Massamba 11

love they provided make him feel safe: that is family because people can be able to understand
the real meaning of family just by looking or reading the way Kit was treated. The bond, passion
helped them to build a strong relationship that can be call family.
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society defines family as any group of people that
share a way of life. It also shows that family can consist of anybody you meet during your
journey. People that you share same passion can easy became part of your family.

Massamba 12

Works cited
Ann, Shaffer and Barrows, Annie The Garnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: Bestseller
New York Times, 31 December. Web 02March 2015.
Belkin, Lisa. Defining family article: Learning ability New York time.25 February, 2011. Web
31March 2015.
Caines Arcade movie
Lynda, Giant: the power of friendship article: Campus Center CSUN database, Washington
informed.17june 2007. Web 31March 2015.

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