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Good morning.
Before beggining our lesson today, lets say basmalah together.
How are you today?
Who is absent today? No one?
Okey, lets review our material in last lesson.
(Gambar mbah dokter)
what is the profession in the picture? (Yen iso jwab, kita ngomong good)
dst. Sesuai gambar pekerjaan
Today we will discuss about caution/warning in chapter ten attention please.
Mengamati: observe the picture (gmbar rmah skit).
What can you see in the picture?
Do you see any signs in the picture?
How many signs are they?
What does each sign mean?
Menanya: do you have any question? No?
Mengumpulkan informasi: now, look at the picture (gmbar skolahan)
Discuss with your friend, what kind of signs which can be put there?
Mengasosiasi: Now, draw the sign on the paper, and then explain it. I give you 5
minutes from now.
Tunggu sedilit
Okey, enough. Now, (nunjuk wong salah siji) please explain the sign that can be put
on the picture.
Yen wis rampung, okey good, give applause for your friend.
So, today we learn about warning/caution. (Moco slide)
I think enough for lesson today. Let say hamdallah together.

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