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Swing Into Spring

Before (3:00 - 4ish pm)

Set-up Dessert Table, Candy Bar, Photo Booth, Guest Tables, Raffle
Table, Event Ticket Table, Green Room Food Table, and Place
Tami Smithee
Laura Lansink
Sara Redekopp
Mary Haugen
Stacie Jurek

During (6:30 - ?)
The doors will be open to the public at 7:00 pm. If
your area is running smoothly, feel free to pitch in
where needed.

Make Coffee (6:00 pm) Tami Smithee

Food & Water for Students in Green Room Plate Desserts Deb Marcotte, Sara Redekopp
Stock Candy Bar Theresa Berg, Brenda Willhite
Fill Pitchers with ice & water Joe & Susie Blackbird
Fill Coffee Carafes Ruth Fisher
Greet & Collect Tickets David Mitchell
Sell Event Tickets Patrick Marcotte
Sell Raffle Tickets Sara Peterson
Take Photos at Photo Booth: Brett Haugen
Monitor Desserts, Refill Water Pitchers, Refill Coffee Carafes Cindy
Maiers, Brenda Willhite
Emcee for Raffle, Dessert announcements, etc. Mary Haugen?

After (10 11)

Tear-down, Clean-up, Gather $, and Load-up
Ross & Stacie Jurek
David Mitchell
Tom & Suzanne Hay
Mark & Cindy Maiers
Joe & Susie Blackbird

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