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Steven Gerrard wrapped up a

world cup hat trick this summer,

after a woeful England display,
the captain decided he needed to
focus on his club after being
omitted from the Champions
League since 2009.
With over 400 appearances for
Liverpool and 113 goals to his
name, Gerrard is surely a football
legend within Merseyside and
beyond. Prodigious statuses like
that, always comes with unlimited
amounts of fans especially on
social media.
Together, with the help of
Facebook we discovered some of
the biggest Stevie G fans to
answer these questions:
What has been your favorite
memory of Gerrard?
Winning the Champions League in
2005 Alastair Canning
What made you become a fan
of Stevie?
His tireless box to box displays
Max Tate
Hes the driving force behind our
team Danni Locke
Can you criticise your

Of course I can criticise, its the

role of the armchair of football
I could never criticise Gerrard Lucy Evans
Why would you like to see him
stay at the club?
Hes just a class player, great for
the players coming in to see him
at the club Gary Luck
What do you think of the
current backlash?
Everyone has bad days. He still
has the ability to change the
game on his own Jack Houlding
Has Gerrard inspired you in
any significant way?
Hes inspired me to believe that
hard work and dedication reaps
rewards Tom Mears
Although these fans will remain
Gerrard loyalists forever, his
career wont be so lenient in
return. As and when the captain
hangs up his boots is a different
thought altogether for the Red

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