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Liverpool Football Club is elated to announce that Steven Gerrard has

today signed a new two-year contract extension taking him to 2016.

Gerrard committed his future to the Reds at Melwood alongside managing
director Ian Ayre and manager Brendan Rodgers.
The club is thrilled that Steven has decided to honor his role at the club, to
continue as Liverpool captain after a waver of uncertainty regarding his
After putting pen to paper, the former England captain spoke of his joy at
the new deal: I think everyone knows what it means to me. Ive been
here that long and so to extend, its a big day for me and Im really happy
for myself and my family. Its great news.
It lets me know the club thinks an awful lot of me and wants me here. Im
glad its all done, as my old contract was coming to a close, now I can just
focus on playing as well as I can.
Ian Ayre also spoke at the prospect of Gerrards remaining two years: Its
fantastic for everyone the club, Steven and the fans. He is and always
has been such a big part of Liverpool Football Club. Particularly in this
day and age, its rather unique to find a local player who has given his
whole career to his club.
Were pleased today to add an extension to his existing agreement and
that keeps him here until the end of his career. Weve said in a years time
well review it again and see how happy Steven is. We seem to always be
happy with him, so hopefully well just continue in that vein.
The Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers was also present as his longest
serving player agreed to his future: Hes a real good guy and very, very
humble. Thats the mark of him with everything hes achieved in the
game, everything hes won, hes the former England captain and one of
the best players to have ever graced the Premier League.
To retain the humility that he has and still the eagerness to want to
improve and be better, he is a real shining light and example for many
Gerrard has worked with many managers during his time at Liverpool and
the accolades have not stopped. Since winning the captaincy from Gerard
Houllier, Kenny Dalglish, Roy Hodgson and Rafael Benitez have been some
of the lucky few to manage the Premier Leagues finest.
Gerrard made his first team debut in 1998 and has since racked up over
630 appearances for the club. His biggest achievement to date is winning
the 2005 Champions League after a remarkable comeback in what is
footballs most exceptional game. The home bred captain has also got
two FA Cups and Three League Cups to his name although the Premier
League trophy is yet to be scribed with the individual presence.

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