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EDU 101: Educational Psychology seminar Questions (FOR BELM)


Use Times New Roman, font 12
The work must have a space of 2-double space
Properly cited references
Your work must not exceed 5 pages including references
To score an A or B + Marks
Make sure
- The work has a good captivating beginning and end.
- Logical flow of ideas
- Uses evidence to support argument
- Proper citation of sources
- Proper arrangement of paragraphs
- uses linking words such likewise, nevertheless will make your work good and attract
more credit
- The work is neat and well organized
- Has minimal or no language mistakes
- Shows great deal of originality and knowledge of the subject/them in question
- Focused and directed to the theme/topic
- Is well researched
1. What are the problems that a teacher is likely to encounter in the teaching and learning
process and how can he/she solve them using his/her knowledge of psychology?
2. What is memory? How is the information retained in a working memory?
3. What is forgetting? Elaborate on different ways in which people forget. Is forget all bad?
4. Using relevant examples explain various ways of improving learners memory
5. What are main assumptions of the cognitive theories of learning? How relevant are they
in the teaching of children?
6. Explain the notions of behaviourism with regard to human nature and learning and show
how their principles can be applied in the classroom situation.
7. What is Humanistic theory of learning? Who are the proponents and how are they
applicable in education
8. Compare and contrast behaviorism and social learning theories \
9. Discuss the psychodynamic theory of learning and its implications in the teaching and
learning of children
10. What is differentiated instruction? Explain how you help students to learn by using
differentiated instruction
11. Nowadays students are more diverse than they were some years ago. Identify the causes
of the diversity and explain how you can accommodate diverse leaners in your

12. As students of education, explain how different theories of motivation capture the
reasons for your studying education programme.
13. New theories of learning have emerged with the advancement of Educational
Technology. Identify any recent psychological learning theories not discussed in class
and show how they explain learning.

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