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ED 270-Observation

Student: Shirisha Naraharisetti

Term: Fall 2013
School: Bridgeport Elementary
Instructor: Jennifer Margolis
I observed Shirisha on November 21, 2013. During this time, she was
working 1:1 with a 2nd Grade student on her spelling. Shirisha used several
different approaches to helping the student with the words: First, she
verbally reviewed the word list. Then, she had the student write the spelling
words with her finger into a box filled with sugar. The student then wrote the
same words on a dry erase board, used Scrabble-like tiles to spell out the
words, and finally, used flash cards to read the words. During the lesson,
Shirisha reminded the student of several spelling rules, such as E at the end
is silent, and the vowel says its name.
The student would focus on the tasks for a short while, but appeared to get
distracted fairly easily. Unfortunately, Shirisha was working with this student
in the hallway, so any time other students walked by, the student would pay
attention to them rather than her work. Shirisha redirected the student
several times, and was able to get her to refocus on the task and complete
her work.
Based on the observation, and reading her written Journal entries, Shirisha
works hard to help the students succeed. She is friendly and patient with the
students, and her 1:1 work has helped those students improve their
academics. Shes doing a nice job working with the students.
It might be helpful for Shirisha to take a course in classroom management in
order to get additional information about setting limits or establishing rules.

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