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Hey Friends,

I received an e-mail asking me if I do G.U.T.S. each day. The answer is indeed

I do. Then I was asked, "What else do you do Mr. Peterson, besides G.U.T.S?
Well, Guys pay attention. Below is my G.U.T.S sequence for today. Naturally it
took me over an hour (72 minutes), But it was one Great workout.

Start: 7 reps of each of the 16 Joint Mobility exercises as found in PYTP

Then: 25 Pull-Ups, 50 Full Range Atlas Sit-Ups, 50 Atlas Leg Raises, 50 Atlas III
Push-Ups, 70 Tiger Bend Squats, 20 Milo (10 reps each side, light to moderate
tension w/Deep Breathing) X 5 complete Circuits.

At 6P.M.---3 mile run

8 P.M. 9-Isometric contractions with Iso-Power belt.

Naturally I switch up the exercises from time to time and sometimes I only
have time for G.U.T.S. Workout and nothing else exactly as written. BUT THE
G.U.T.S. workouts are my foundation everything else is icing on the cake.

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