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Fajer Alshatti
Professor Lawson
The Reality of Food and Fashion Games

Food and fashion are important in life. Food is what had caused nations to suffer from
obesity and hunger. It is considered an important fundamental in life in order to survive with it
people could be active after having food and getting the energy required. Without food people
suffer and dont have the energy to move and do their simple chores and later die from hunger. In
the past, present and future food and fashion will always remain vital to us humans for several
reasons. Fashion is what represents a personality and what class and subculture of the society
ones from. As stated in the Marie Claire magazine Dressing to impress may tell more abut your
personality (Marie Claire, 2012). This article shows how important clothing is when it comes to
expressing ones personality whether it was in the hunger games of in one daily life routine. The
hunger book games discussed several issues in a fictional way, but related them to real life
issues. Two of main issues outlined were food and fashion.
In The Hunger Games book Food is a reason behind the districts rebellion against the
Capitol. The system they used was unbalanced because people from the capitol had plenty of
food to eat. For example, the food provided in the Capitol is eaten by citizen of the Capitol and
when they are full they allow themselves to drink a specific drink that its purpose is to make
them throw up so that they could eat all over again with no complaints that they are full. In the
second Hunger games book when Peeta and Katniss visit Prisednt Snows Mansion to celebrate
their wedding announcement, Peeta sees a lot of food and wishes to taste everything but gets full,
so a person from the Capitol lets him know that it is ok to eat until you are full then this drink
will allow Peetas body to eat more.

Fajer Alshatti


Professor Lawson
However, districts have a lot less food from the Capitol. The amount of food they have could
barely last them a day especially with the restrictions that have been put buy the Capitol which
does not allow districts to hunt for food. The novel suggests that most of the districts residents
are not abe to or dont know how to hunt.(Sparknotes, nd). This quote shows that despite the
people living in the districts sometimes die because they are hungry, but even though the forest is
around them any they might find food to eat they are not allowed to hunt it is a restriction from
the Capitol. when they hunt Each day citizen of the district must work hard in order to trade, buy
or sell to feed themselves and their families. To help feed his family, he hunted illegally in the
forest adjacent todistrict 12 (Gale Hawthrone, page 1). The quote above shows how Gale
Karness best friend risked his life to do something illegal, which is hunt in the nearby forest to
feed his family that Gale is responsible for. Some families from the districts almost die from
hunger. This is similar to real life situations as stated in the Hunger Statistics of the World Food
Programme has outlined that 805 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead
a healthy active life. (World Food Programme, 2015) suffer from hunger around the world. In a
matter a fact situations like that happen everyday in Somalia. The situation in Somalia has
continued to improve since the crisis of 2011, when four million people experienced extreme
food insecurity and famine occurred in some regions of the south (World Food Programme,
2015)This quote shows that this large amount of people suffer and rarely survive because of the
lack of food they have families such as mothers, fathers, daughter, sons and even newly borns in
Somalia suffer from shortage of food. Mothers in Somalia can not afford feeding their children,
and has to make the decision of which child should be fed to survive, while the other child is
going to die from not being fed. Wardos Choice: Famine forces mothers to decide which child

Fajer Alshatti


Professor Lawson
lives and which dies (Dail Mail, 2011). This article discusses how mothers in somalia because
of the hunger each family is dealing with are put in a situation where she has to choose which
child must be fed and which child die among her eyes because she does not have enough food to
feed her other child.
The second main essential discussed in the successful novel the hunger games is fashion.
In the book people are distinguished by how they are dressed. For the districts wearing clothes is
just to cover themselves up. Their clothes are pale with no structure nor bright or detailed.
Nevertheless, in the Capitol people there focus on their fashion through clothes their
personalities are expressed. People from the Capitol wear bright colored clothes with edges and
more creativity than the citizen of the districts. The detailed review on the Hunger Games by
Lady Business says When Effie stands on stage before the people of District 12, her outfit is
placed in contrast to the citizens of the districts, who dress plainly out of necessity. In this quote
it shows that Effie who is obsessed with her look regarding fashion is from the Capitol while
people from the districts are dressed in basic clothes and did not care about what they wore in
order to express their personalities like Effie does. The clothes worn by them change with time
and are constantly trending. Each month or year there is a new trend appearing with makeup,
clothes and hair and this is in constant change, and people mostly revolve around the trend to
maintain the update in fashion. This is because people judge a person on how they dress because
fashion as mention before expresses one character and personality, it show if a person was
stylish, confident or not. It also shows a persons priority dressing up to empress themselves and
people or could care less and wear clothes for the purpose of covering themselves and goin on
with their ordinary life. For example, when Katniss Everdeen the hero of The Hunger Games

Fajer Alshatti


Professor Lawson
was idealized by both people from the Capitol and the districts; they copied how her hair was
done and wore what represents Katniss the mockingjay. All the Capitol expressed their love they
carry for Katniss Everdeen from the way the expressed their fashion.
In conclusion, the series of novels Hunger games highlighted important topics food and
fashion. Those two are not only in the book but also something that is available in the real world.
Fashion represents ones character in The Hunger Games and the world of reality. Additionally,
Food is what both worlds consider essential the real world and the world of hunger games. The
hunger Games book highlights how important it is to have food, as it is also stated by a Ph.D
Professor Yoshie Sano from Washington State University Vancouver that Securing adquete,
nutritious food is essential for healthy human life.


Fajer Alshatti
Professor Lawson
Work cited
I took info from this site because it is from a university professor that has stated this info after studies
that has been proved by many other professors and scientists before him.
I took a quote that shows the difference between the clothes in districts and the Capital, i chose the
site as a reference because its a official a organization that explains in detail what happens in the
hunger games and what it the message behind it.
This organization was chosen to show how and why Somalia is suffering from hunger, and this
reference helps prove that the issues discussed in the hunger games such as hunger also occurs in the
real world.
This is the same site that shows accurate statistics on how many people suffer from hunger around
the world.
A quote was taken from the online article that show how a person dresses represents ones

Fajer Alshatti


Professor Lawson
personality , this magazine is well known and respected world wide.
This site was chosen because it gives to much detail on what happens in the novel it was quoted to
show support the statement mentioned before that districts are not allowed to hunt for food in order
to survive.
This site is chosen because it talks about each character in the story with helps distinguish
which each character propose in the novel.

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