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Lomeli 1

Bryan Lomeli
English 102
MLA Cited Challenge
13 March 2015
Blackwell, M.R. Tasteless laces. Jan. 2009. Web. 28 Oct. 2009. Print.
Butz, Earl Q. Solving the Loose Shoe Problem. Indiana Journal of Podiatry 17 (Nov.
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Dylan, Robert. Lace, Lady, Lace. Hibbing Hearld 4 Feb. 1968: 28 Oct. 2009. Print.
Earth Shoes Unearthed in Inca Ruins. Time 23 July 1977: 36. Print
Frobisher, Leon, et al. Shoemaking with a Purpose. 12. Boston: Hooton-Mifflin, 1996.
Frobisher, Louise K. Letter. 5 Jan. 2009. Print.
Frodobaggins, J.R.R. Footloose and Sandal-Free. Ed. O. Feacteau and Mary
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Kelly, Walter. Little Laces for Little People. Dogs Life 16.3 (Aug. 2000): 32-37, 188
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ProQuest. Web. 18 Feb. 2009.
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Markoz, Imelda. Never Too Many Shoes. Whichita: Converse Press, 2007. 28 Oct.
2009. Print.
Parish, Sally. Sandals in Greece and Rome. Omaha: Wapiti, 1997. Print.
Philador, Max and Elisaveta Krutch. Shoelaces in Africa and the Far East. Trans.
Constance Jowett.
FortWorth: Vanitas, 1999. Print.

Lomeli 2
Quinn, Fiona. Knit Your Own Shoelaces. Self Reliance Series. Modesto, CA: Victory,
1942. Print.
Old Laces and Arsenic. Ed. Theodore and Louisa Mae Quinn. Los Angles: Capra
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1952 and 1953. Print.
The Shoe In the English Speaking World.Vol. 3. Boston: S.T. Bruin & Sons, 1950.
The Society of Legwear Manufactures. Laces, Gaiters, and Spats. 1901. Toronto:
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Narr. Leslie Stahl The Shoelace Coverup. 60 Minutes. 28 Oct. 2009. TV.
Zimmer, Norman. The Shoelace Motif in Finno-Latvian Sonnet Sequences. PMLA
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