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Paper 2 TOP Discussion And EvaluationTopic

1. Radioactive KL N1, KELANTAN N 7

- Must understand on half life determination from graph, calculate
respective value of half life,
- Understand use of GM tube and cloud chamber. And calculate E= mc2
2. Pressure KELANTAN N2 momentum MRSM N2 Selangor
-P= hpg relate P p, P h, calculation
3. CRO kelantan N4
- Measure time base, voltage and explain defelction of charge
4. Transformer KL N4
- Understand factor turns, strength magnet, type magnet, no current
- Effect Eddy current, lamination, output voltage
5. Electricity N8 KL
Power loss calculation
Energy used with cost calculation
6. MRSM resistance and area cross sectional N6
- Factor affect resistance- length, area, type material and temp
7. Electromagnetism Selangor N6
-factor affect rotation speed and direction of force, left hand Fleming rule
8. Electronic
Transistor Selangor N8
- Understand the calculation of comparison resistance
- Understand LDR and Thermistor and how transistor work.
9. MRSM electromagnetic induction and Bernoulli s N10 and N11
-how current induced, factor affect current produce, Right hand Fleming
-understand the Bernoulli and effect of force, especially tube of water
10.Electromagnetism KL N 10
11.Radioactive MELAKA N12
and MRSM N1 2
12.Heat MELAKA N11 Kelantan Light N11
Buoyant force Selangor N11
-Understand factor affect resistance due to heating, relate specific heat
capacity with temp and mass.
- MUST understand gas law with formula and planning experiment with
- Buoyant force sure come out question. Understand area affect FB, relate
density and FB
13. interference of constructive and destructive concept MUST read through
= ax/D

Paper 3 TOP Discussion

Planning experiment
R and length
AND interference KL
and MRSM
2. KL
interference N4
Gas law Charles and Boyles Law
4. Mass and acceleration
acceleration and force (ticker timer)
5. Pressure and high OR density.

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