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The students always learn more than the content of the curriculum. They will
learn about their behavior, their choices, and their impact on others. Good
discipline is about doing what is best for students to make good, healthy
choices, not about making the lives of educators easier. Effective classroom
management prevents problems rather than handling them after they occur.
Management and instruction are integrally related. If appropriate behavior is
never recognized then the students will decide that they can never please
their teacher and will eventually stop trying.

I would like to teach in an elementary school especially for 1st graders.
According to Jones positive classroom discipline is the main element for
teachers to consider in arranging their classroom. Jones considers classroom
structure is the centerpiece of classroom management. To maintain
appropriate control the teacher should have proximity control and multiple
walkways so that the teacher can be moving throughout the classroom.


I believe in order for a classroom to run smoothly you need to have a set of
procedures your class is very familiar with. Show the students how to follow
the procedures. Walk the students through the procedures with the teacher
The following is a list of procedures that would help the classroom run
Entering the classroom:
When the students are coming into the classroom they should remove their
files from their backpacks and put it in a basket near the teachers table.
Then they should hang their backpacks and coats to the hooks they are
allotted. Then on the board they have 3 lunch choices one from home called
cold lunch and other 2 are cafeterias that days choices called hot lunch, they
should choose from 3 choices and keep their magnetic name tag under one
of them. Then they can sit in their places and start doing the morning work
quietly which will be on their table.
Attention signal:
Whenever it is time for the teacher to have the students attention the
teacher claps and count till 3 and then says eyes on me and all the students
stop whatever they are doing and they also clap and say 1,2 eyes on you.

The pencils, erasers, scissors, crayons and markers are kept in a basket
separated and organized and they have small white board to work on each
table. They have small baskets stacked near each table with names written
on each basket to keep their books, play dough and journal. They have mail
boxes names written on them to keep their daily work and at the end of the
day they keep them in a file and take home. Every Friday the volunteers or
teachers will sharpen the pencils and get ready for Monday. The teacher
keeps some extra pencils, soft tissue box, wet wipes box, etc. at a table if
Personal needs:
Students are encouraged to use the restroom during and after recess just
before entering the classroom. If a student has to use the restroom then
they have to raise their hand and ask the teacher and take the girls or boys
pass. If they want to drink they have their water bottles on their tables.
Asking questions:
Students should raise their hand and wait for teacher to call on them. If they
want to answer any question they follow the same procedure.
Transition time:
When they need to move from one subject to other subject or activity, the
teacher will tell the students in 2 minutes you need to move to the next

subject or in 2 minutes you need to clean up and move to next subject if the
students are doing an activity or in 2 minutes you need to form the line to
go for music or PE. No running when moving from one place to another.
Leaving school:
Before leaving school the teacher will pass out the folders and tell the
students that you have 5 minutes to pack your bags and clean the table to
go home. The students slowly take the folders then go to their mail boxes
empty them, wear their coats, clean the table and sit quietly. Then teacher
will call the students who are picked up by their parents then in bus order.
Every student when their name is called they get up push their chairs inside
and come and lineup. Then the teacher will tell the students to leave the
class with walking feet and everybody walks quietly and leaves the class.
This procedure will help the classroom management as it is teachers
responsibility to maintain the classroom neat and quite without disturbing
the other classes. The procedures for handling emergency procedures should
be taught once every month.
Most behavior issues can be solved by implementing these rules but we may
have to change the rules according to the students behavior as all the
students are not the same.

Be quiet when teacher is talking, during tests and raise your hand before
Listen and follow the directions given by teacher during art projects and
Treat everyone with respect.
Walk quietly in the hallways.
Ask for permission before leaving your seat.

Students need to be positively encouraged throughout the day. It is very
important for a teacher to observe positive behavior of the students and
appreciate them accordingly.
Ways to reinforce positive behavior:
Individual Rewards
Send notes to the parents.
Get the stars.
Pat on the back.
Positive statement is written on their work.

Use appreciative praise.

Get the prizes for every 10 stars.(There will be a box in which the teacher
will be having some toys like cars etc., jump rope, books, pencils, jell pens
etc. from which the student can choose any one when the student gets 10
stars on the card)
Class Rewards
Will have a party each time the jar is filled with beans. (Whenever the
students have well behaved or a good report from the other teacher then the
teacher will put a scoop of beans in a jar.)

I am combining Jones nonverbal section with Canter's discipline hierarchy.
The students continually need to be reminded of the rules. The teachers
work the crowd by moving throughout the classroom and being at every
desk during a direct lesson. Limit setting sequence should be used during
independent seat work through body language. Body language such as eye
contact and proximity should be the first steps in getting students to behave
properly. Still the student doesnt listen to the teacher then
First time to break a rule: Warning.

Second time to break a rule: Lose ten minutes of recess.

Third time to break a rule: Lose 15 minutes of recess and write in behavior
Fourth time to break a rule: Teacher will call parents.
Fifth time to break a rule: Sent to principal.
According to Curwin and Mendler how the consequence is implemented is as
important as the consequence such as tone of voice, proximity to the
student, body posture, use of contact and other nonverbal gestures
determine the effectiveness of a consequence as much as the actual content
of the consequences. So the teacher should be consistent, remind the
student which rule has been broken, use the proximity control, make the
direct eye contact when delivering the consequence, use a soft voice, not
embarrass students in front of their peers, not give with anger and should
not accept excuses or whining.
Rules and procedures are taught in the beginning of the school year. Steps
for teaching classroom rules and procedures are first to explain then practice
and then review until students have mastered them. Explain the
consequences for breaking rules. If rules and procedures are taught in the
beginning of the school year then the rest of the year tend to go smoothly.

We need to review and practice after the winter break and during the year
whenever it is necessary (the students begin breaking the rule). Whenever
you have new student in the class you should take the opportunity to review
the rules and procedures of the classroom.

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