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When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what

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D: D:

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What's equal is not always fair, and what's fair is not always equal.

Sometimes you have to break through the window you're looking through to remove the reflections.


May Be Only In The Blind Belief Can We Ever Find The Truth...

I spent the whole night, drinkin' the pain, Listining to the music as it starts to fade, nd waited for my
sole to raise up to sky ...all these feelings..cuz i lost her...4ever....



... .. : .. ...

There's no need to read ur mind cuz u always say what u think about...






Nowhere on your birth certificate did it say life would be fair..

If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind I would say once because you never
really left...

She's the key to sanity in a totally insane world...

.. .. !!

You're in love. That makes you actually kind of boring to people who aren't in love.

Remember, no matter how good you are at whatever you do, there will always be some Asian kid out
there who does it better than you !

I've missed more than

9000 shots in my
career. I've lost almost
300 games. Twenty-six
times I've been trusted
to take the game winning shot and
missed. I've failed over
and over and over again
in my life. And that is
why I succeed.
- Michael Jordan


.. ..

'' Someone asked me if i know you, and all i could say was, '' i used to


I never considered myself to be a violent person, but every day I kill time

A girl fell in love with a boy at 2nd sight, cuz

at 1st sight, she didn't know that . . . . . . . he has a Ferrari

Some people make ur soul SMILES when u see them

dont blame the means that a person uses for how the PERSON chooses to use it

A women will always appreciate your compliments on her look while you're with her, but she will
appreciate it much more if you compliment her later, showing that you still remembered how she

a Simple Question can Change your life for Good, "What's the Worst That Could Happen ?"

Awsome reply by a true lover:

Girl: what's the first thing you notice when you look at another girl?
Boy:That she's not you

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want ...

END= Entirely New Direction

Some people blame our they ever stop to remember who raised us??

When I sing with my headphones in, I think, "Why don't I have a record deal?!" Then I take them out,
and then I know why

Between "Best" and "Worst" There's "Me" and that's enough !

Love is a narcotic drug.

After the first time, you
are hooked. You will do
anything to get it and it
will never let you go. No
matter how many times you've been hurt
in your quest for love,
you still want it. No
matter how many
people you've hurt for
it, you still pursue it. And when you finally
receive it, delusions,
peace and serenity are

Love's like a drug , it either gives you happiness, or kill you slowly !!

It's hard when you miss people. But, you know, if you miss them it means you were lucky. It means
you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing..

: . : , : .

Our body is fully made of water,

But whenever it hurts Blood comes out...

Our heart is full of blood ,

But whenever it hurts the water comes from our eyes

Never judge a book by its movie

people practice Law without degree,,,they judge me

it's ripping my soul apart when i reach the top and suddenly i fall down to the bottom,, and then i get
stuck not on the fear of trying again but the fear of trying and falling again

Sometimes theyre back knocking on your door. Now you tell them that you dont live there anymore

Overused words: YOLO = People killed it ,,

SWAG = You don't have any ,, SORRY = You don't mean it ,, I LOVE YOU = Show me don't tell me

My scars are a map of where I've been, a testament of what I've done and failed to do. Nobody gave
them to me, I earned 'em the hard way..

One of the best feelings in life is discovering that you are still appreciated by someone, regardless on
how somebody else have made you feel unworthy

Real thoughts come at night ,

when the head is just too tired to tell lies to the heart ..

When we were little we didn't

care about what we wore, our
parents dressed us.. Looking
back at old pics it seems, they
didn't care either


Two mysterious people live in

my house. Somebody and
Nobody. Somebody did it and
nobody knows who!

I wish I could just put my

hand through my
computer screen and
grab whatever I
want..........or whoever

" ... "

I stay up and wonder,

wondering if nothing I do is
good enough or if anything
I've tried to do meant anything
! at all

What doesn't kill you, leaves

you alive for something else
that will..

The woman who invented the phrase "All men are the same" was a chinese woman who lost her
husband in the crowd..

160 was the IQ score obtained by both

! Bill Gates and Albert Einstein



The way to happiness is too narrow that two cannot pass through unless they become one...


Great minds think alike ,,dirty minds work together

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind " Ghandi

The woman who invented the phrase "All men are the same" was a chinese woman who lost her
husband in the crowd..

Every tear is a sign of Cutting Onions..!

Every Silence is a sign of Zero balance
Every smile is a sign of Daily brushing
life is so simple Don't make it complex
with difficult Explanations

Losing feelings quick is a gift

and a curse ...


The only "B" word you should

call a girl is beautiful


If u could hear the voices inside my head , i'm pretty sure u would go deaf !!
A women is not complicated, she is complex. She needs not to be solved, but to be
put together..
Beautiful has a whole
new meaning once
spoken by a blind man..

Don't fear it because it's coming , fear it because u ain't ready yet for it

You can't blame a human who

has been born and raised with a
diffrent way of thinking, which
shapes his own beliefs.

If a person has no intentions YET of marrying the person they claim to love, then their relationship
isn't love but something else .

A boy messaged his girlfriend

"You are marrying
me because you love me, not my
money, right????

Girlfriend replied " $ "

We take the naps we think we

The best time to compliment a
woman is when she's not
expecting it ..
If i've learned anything from video
games, it's that when u meet
enemies, it means that u r going
in the right direction.
My Relationship Status Is
Searching For All The Girlfriends People Say I Have

LAZY RULE: If it isn't on the 1st page of Google, it doesn't exist.


That weird moment when you wonder if you're anyone's crush

When you look at something that you believe it's perfect, you'll never see its flaws. When you look at
something that you believe it's flawed, you'll never see its perfection...
#Human logic

"F*** it" - my final thought

before making most decisions

You keep invadin me and i'm like the fallen warroir ..

If you complain about the taste of food, it means you are not hungry.

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