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Tori 1

Aasiya Tori
Chen Chen
The Art of Quranic Recitations
Through Quranic recitations, Muslims experience feelings of peace and tranquility while
they listen and obey Gods words. Recitation is, according to Wikipedia, a general sense is the
act of reciting from memory, or a formal reading of verse or other writing before an audience.
In terms of the Quran, its passages and chapters are often recited from memory, but it is not
always part of prayer. For those trying to memorize the Quran, they usually recite the Quran
aloud to test their memorization and practice it.
There are many styles of recitation. Some people use deeper vocals, while others prefer to
recite in higher pitches. The speed of the recitation may also vary. Although the Quran is recited
throughout the world each and every day, the types and styles of recitation are not recognized by
the state or country. It depends on what the person is capable of and what style is easier for them.
Many people often end up creating their own styles. From the very first reciter, people tried to
mimic his style, but tweaked it to their comfort. It traveled through the world, and from that one
style, many new ones formed.
This audio element allows me to show my readers how the Quran is beautifully recited in
its many different styles. It would be impossible to write a paper and explain the beauty in the art
of reciting the Quran. The recitations themselves are unexplainable by paper. For instance, one
aspect of the recitations are how a reciter knows when to raise or lower the pitch of the
recitation. Its unexplainable. After listening a few times, the recitation style just speaks itself.

Tori 2
The purpose of the project was to teach people about the Quran and its beautiful
recitations. I chose only grown men for reciters because women, boys, and girls are not usually
recorded, and most people learn from and listen to the recitations of grown men. Sometimes they
are even scholars.
This project needed no research. I recite the Quran myself, so I know the information
through my Quran teacher and other classmates.

The target audience for this project are those who do not know the Quran and its nature.

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