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Cannon 1

Tenea Cannon
ENGL 1302-11
March 23, 2015

In this particular essay, the writer Rana Foroohar does a great job
at going straight from topic sentences to more specific arguments. This
is something that I wish that I was better at and hope to be able to
learn from her writing.
Foroohar starts off paragraph eight talking about how a large gap
in society makes it more difficult for the lower class people to progress.
She speaks about how the larger the gap between the poor and rich,
the lower the mobility or the less likely it is for the poor to gain on the
rich. She uses an example by Sawhill using a ladder for visual
reference stating that the farther apart the rungs of a ladder the more
difficult the climb.
In paragraph seventeen, Rana starts off by saying that Europe
has bolstered the middle and working classes by spending more money
on them. She then goes on to explain how countries such as Germany
and Denmark make it easier for the middle class by supplying youthemployment programs and trade schools. The United States should use
European countries as an example and make it easier for Americans to
move up the ladder.

Cannon 2
I also found paragraph eighteen to be an interesting one. The
writer starts off by saying that the European welfare systems are
undergoing very profound changes that may reduce mobility
throughout the continent. (907) She then proceeds to explain things;
such as that Germany would rather keep people employed part time
than to make them unemployed altogether.
Overall, I found Foroohars essay to be a fascinating one. This
writer has an impressive writing style that I wish that I could copy. She
is vastly effective at getting her point across by capturing the readers
imagination and putting the information into something the reader can

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