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Interactive Read Aloud Planning/Recording Sheet

Name Ana Luisa Moura

Book Title The Duckling gets a cookie?! by Mo Willems

How will you introduce and set the purpose for reading?
This frames the reading and all instructional moves below should support.

I will let the students know we are reading this book to have fun, but mainly to practice our
reading and how to read punctuation.
I will tell the students I love the Pigeon books, that they are so funny, and they are very good for
us to practice reading punctuation.

Describe how you can include the following.

Turn and Talk (specific pages, what will you say?)

I did not do any turn and talks because we never do this is my class, but maybe I could have when
the Pigeon is complaining that he never gets what he wants on page 14. I could have asked the
students to do a turn and talk to share what would they do.
Think Aloud (pages, what exactly will you say?)


Cover page: What do you think it will happen in this book?

Page 4: Do you think the Duckling likes cookies with nuts?
Page 6 : Do you know this word politely? Do you know what it means?
Page 10: Guys, what do you think this grey cloud on top of the Pigeons head is?
Page 20: Now what do you think? Does the Duckling likes cookies with nuts or without nuts?

Vocabulary Elaboration (choose 1 or 2 words and write how you will elaborate)

- Politely - I asked the students if they know what that word meant and we talked about being
polite after the read aloud. I used this book to talk about being nice to others because my first
grade students were fighting a lot with each other so I thought that talking about being polite
would be helpful.

How can you utilize voice, pace, and/or expression?

I read with a lot of expression! All of my classes in first grade involved a little bit of acting
because I was always so excited about everything. My voice changes a lot as well, specially
because I was talking to the students about how to read punctuation.

Shared by Ellen Ellis

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