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UW-PLATTEVILLE PRACTICUM IN ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Pre-Student Teacher Mid-term Evaluation Univeniy Supervisor _ “Tim Genser Dare _Je/-2a |i Practicum Student Stephan Salah fevak seroot Wiest yew lemendewy ’ ‘With Coop. ' ‘Observing Time Spent: Practicum Student —_2O Aud Teacher aun Teaching “JO nun. General Observations: (Use pages | and 2 as it is related to the Framework for Teaching). COMPONENTS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport sak Stephan is ver Despectrk dy each Soles : i (rdereAs dan Tle Huolnds respond er Poschveled to hurd in redo Establish a Culture for Learning: Hephan al gpeal endianeraeim Ainarota. Arg Gteotecds anol Givtadent cn vhreh be inddnweted Managing Classroom Procedures: B The lessen anol mrostortols pease Oa “ae ait late te SP. instrrctin tind lcthun’ The Lesser ray Managing Student Behavior: T hag’ s : Seghen ‘ig Wer, Gware © hue Stuctords bohonrers. Hug Pespens. to Masbthamer le agpropniod Organizing Physical Space: All epuprert Wwe awaebl. ard by Oncerebts Oi stich. ch, eg (See other side for Domain 3) COMPONENTS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5: Iestructon Connturcting Clearly and Acersey: Devecdiens boone voy cheat wat cach aehiney - Dentenstradiony pore uel Men Museard Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques: Stephan bred both open art Cheol enobd godtling pf engage fe Stealer tn disersdion threny helt fle Lissen Engaging Students in Learning: Al handey2 toorelinad on ardurdied Were agpopliade Three a high bel of Stoolen} succerd tadhan teh Ondund ee Providing Feedback to Stents L ' Fadback weg. consistent anol tanneclicct . Thy Stuctrd > Mate ure of fersbark West of the Fime Demonstrating Flexibility and Resposivenes : Stephan ousplypd hesporsivensss ML indretion, espucsady erident 1 tha ree of ruattiple instract ial Stratep td University Supervisor Signature - Practicum Hehe

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