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The Literacy Narrative gave me a better understanding on how to examine and adapt to

different process of genres, communities and language. My literate skills have transformed a
great amount from my youth until now as a college student. As I began writing it was difficult
for me to comprehend English because I was a Spanish speaker. Taking RWS 1301 has given me
a better understanding and ideas on how to become a better reader and writer. Writing the
Literacy Narrative assignment gave me hope that my literacy skills can progress as I continue on
into college and my future. The assignment gave me flashbacks to my childhood and how much I
have struggled to get to where I am now as a reader and writer. I can look back on this
assignment and see how much progress I have made in English writing and speaking and see
how much my vocabulary has grown especially if I want to become a Police officer I will needed
to make sure my grammar and vocabulary is bright.

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