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There was a very fat man named Jim

2. He weighed 500 pounds (227kg)
3. When he walked, he always got tired
4. The very fat man wanted to lose weight
5. In fact, his doctor told him You must lose weight or you
will die
6. The fat man was scared
7. He didnt want to die
8. So he started a diet
9. For one month, he ate only grass
10. Of course the grass tasted terrible
11. But the man really wanted to lose weight
12. Unfortunately, after one month, he was still very fat
13. He didnt lose any weight! Not one pound!
14. The fat man was frustrated
15. He decided to exercise
16. Every day he walked 12 miles (20km)
17. Every day he was tired. In fact, he was exhausted
18. He was extremely frustrated

19. He decided to give up

20. He went to a restaurant. He wanted to eat everything
because he was so frustrated
21. At the restaurant he met a beautiful woman named Susan
22. She liked him. He liked her
23. They began to date
24. Every day the woman cooked healthy food for the fat man
25. His new girlfriend made a difference in his life
26. The fat man lost weight
27. After 6 months, he weighed only 170 pounds (77kg)
28. He was thin and had a wonderful girlfriend
29. The man was thrilled. The man and his girlfriend were
both thrilled.

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