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Warming up

Part 1
Rhythmical walking while the arms and hands rotate.
Running on tiptoe. The body must feel a sensation of fluidity, flight, weightlessness.
The impulse for .
the run comes from the shoulders

Walk with knees bent, hands on hips.


Walk with knees bent, gripping the ankles.


Walk with the knees slightly bent, the hands touching the outside edges of the f feet


Walk with the knees slightly bent, holding the toes with one's fingers.

Walk with the legs stretched and rigid as though they were being pulled by imaginary
strings held by
the hands (the arms stretched out in front).
Starting in a curled up position, take short jumps forward, always landing in the
original curled up
position with the hands beside the feet.
Part 2 Exercises to loosen up the muscles and the vertebral column
1) "The cat". This exercise is based on the observation of a cat as it awakes and stretches
itself. The subject lies stretched out face downwards, completely relaxed. The legs are apart
and the arms at right angles to, the body, palms towards the floor. The "cat" wakes up
and-draws the hands in towards the chest, keeping
the elbows upwards, so that the palms of the hands form a basis for support. The hips are
raised, while the legs
"walk" on tiptoe towards the hands. Raise and stretch the left leg sideways, at the same time
lifting and stretching the head. Replace the left leg on the ground, supported by the tips of the
toes. Repeat the same movements with the right leg, the head still stretching upwards. Stretch
the spine, placing the centre of gravity first in the centre of the spine, and then higher up
towards the nape of the neck. Then turn over and fall onto the back, relaxing.
2) Imagine you have a mental band around the chest. stretch it by means of a vigorous
expansion of the trunk
3) Handstand with the feet together against the wall. The legs slowly open as wide as
4) Resting position. Squatting with the head dropped forward and the arms dangling between
the knees.
5) Upright position, with the legs together and straight. Flex the trunk towards the ground
until the head touches the knees.
6) Vigorous rotation of the trunk from the waist upwards.

7) Keeping the legs together, jump up onto a chair. The impulse for the jump does not come
from the legs but from the trunk.
8) Total or partial splits.

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