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Marilyn Whittet

May 11, 2015

Spanish 2

Spanish 2: End of Year Reflection

My favorite activity from Spanish class has to be the Cuando era nina
project. I had to look back on my baby pictures. It was great to open up the
photo albums and reflect on each picture. It just brought me closer to myself
as a child. The project that I least liked was Un evento especial. I didnt find
the project any useful in the class. It didnt help me better learn my Spanish.
The project just didnt make any sense to me.
I would just like to see more group projects. I just believe that we were
always working by ourselves. I understand we need both independent and
group projects. I just didnt think that the two were completely evened out. If
I could change anything I would change that amount of grammar. I felt that,
that was all we were doing all year. I would like if there was less grammar
and more hands on activities to show us the grammar.
This class has helped me with my Spanish overall. I am just speaking
more Spanish and understand the language a ton more than I used to.

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