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International Learning Exchange

"Diversity in Leadership
Unit B, Ground Floor, Mary Brancker House, 54-74 Holmes Road
Kentish Town, London NW5 3AQ Telephone: 0207 424 7370
DATE: 30th April 2015 TIME: 10am



Arrival and introductions.

10.10- 10.20

DL to provide a brief history of Arhag .We possess a You Tube video which
lasts seven minutes which provides a picture of the organisations 30 year
history. I will provide a brief outline of the initiatives e.g. traineeships within
the organisation and the success stories; plus, a brief outline of the previous and
proposed P.A.T.H. programme.


Presentation by Komal Doan (Community Engagement Officer) brief outline of

key initiatives in Arhag promoting community leadership and diversity matters
in Arhag.


Questions from Delegates on Sessions 2 and 3 Above.


Real life case studies by two Arhag residents Syeda and Leobanda. Syeda is the
current Chair of Arhags Residents Scrutiny Panel; Leobanda was the winner of
Arhags Start Your Own Business initiative. Arhag provided her with a start and
her cleaning business is growing.


Questions from delegates


Skype link and presentation, plus from Gina Amoh , Chief Executive of
Inquilab, the largest BME housing association in London, who also deliver
some programmes addressing diversity and leadership.

Refreshment/Comfort break


Delegates to visit Azania Mews Estate (one minutes walk from the Arhag office.



Sandwich Lunch and refreshments for delegates.

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