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Merced High School P.O. Box 2167: Merced, California 95344 (209) 385-6466 5/8/15 TO: Whom it may concern FROM: Stephen Eccles- Science Instructor RE: Letter of Recommendation It is my pleasure to be writing you.on behalf of Julian Manzo. I have truly enjoyed having Julian in my Honors Marine Biology class this year. He is in the upper echelon academically of the students in his Marine Biology class, always completing his assignments and consistently scoring high on tests. He is the type of student that teachers love having in the classroom. He is always there, works hard, never complains, and interacts easily and positively with everyone. Julian has a fantastic work ethic, and I wish all my students would put out the effort that he does. He has such a positive contribution to the classroom culture with answers, questions, participation, and modeling of how an ideal student should behave. Beyond the classroom | know Julian also works at a local grocery store, demonstrating maturity and a committed work ethic. Julian’s hard work is great, his intelligence is always evident, but his best attributes lie in his character. Besides being punctual, responsible and mature, he always demonstrates a very kind, caring attitude towards others. He is patient, calm, determined, yet humble. People find him enjoyable to be around, and they know they can always depend on him. I know Julian’s future is bright because he is very goal oriented, committed, intelligent, mature, and truly cares. If you have any further questions about Julian, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration of this deserving individual. Sincerely, fe ae — Stephen Eccles Ph: (209) 201-7447, ‘Home of Scholars and Champions’

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