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Johnson 1

Lauren Johnson
Ms. Parker
Written Portfolio
16 September 2014
Word Count: 246
What is One of the Most Difficult Things you have Done or Experienced?
I have never struggled with academics or projects: perhaps a little with math or science,
just like every other English student on the planet. As such, my toughest trial has been
In this six month interval during high school, my self-esteem plummeted, I felt lonely,
and suicidal thoughts trespassed on my mind. But, though I was not pleased with my
circumstances, I understand why I suffered. First of all, it taught me a higher level of empathy; I
can understand the difficulties that others face and not judge them for it. Secondly, the tools I
gained in overcoming my depression will help me in comforting my children if such a time
should come. The most important knowledge Ive attained, however, is that good can come from
bad. Unlike most people suffering from similar symptoms, my academic performance increased.
I maintained a 4.0 G.P.A., and my artistic ability skyrocketed. Though I would never willingly go
through this again, even for such a good grade, I can apply principles learned then to improve my
life when things look down.
A pearl forms in a clam when sand slips into the creatures mouth and causes pain. To rid
itself of the irritant, the clam tries to remove the sand with cleansing saliva. This develops the
nuisance into a valuable pearl. My depression was uncomfortable, and irritating, but the pearl of
wisdom and faith that came with it is absolutely priceless, and I wouldnt trade it for the world.

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