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Community Engagement Program

B. Journal
Week 1
Tues 18th Nov:
For the majority of the day I was placed in a Year 1 classroom with a
high level of special needs or students with behavioural difficulties,
as well as one child with autism. I noted within this class that,
although it was term 4, students within the class lacked organization
or routine, and seemed to disregard the teachers instructions
entirely. From my time in this class I learnt that my own teaching
style varies to this teachers as I believe students with behavioural
problems need a balance between firmness in instruction and
individual choice. The teacher in this class was
not consistent in her actions and kept her voice
monotonous and soft, meaning that students
who needed extra attention or instruction did
not often listen to her. From this I ask, Why did
this teacher choose to use these methods, and
what teaching strategies are best to instruct
children with behavioural issues?.
Within this class was also one autistic student
who had a therapist with her. Upon
investigation I learnt that varying therapists
would often accompany this student to her class to assist her with
her schoolwork. I wonder how the therapists and teacher interact
with each other to cater for students needs.
Wed 19th Nov:
I was placed in Year 2 today, and worked with a number of students
with special needs. First I worked with two particular students and
assisted them on a writing activity involving the interactive
whiteboard (IWB), and using adjectives in speech. I learnt that the
IWB was a great method of keeping students on task and motivated,
and having adjectives displayed on the IWB greatly improved their
understanding and spelling of various adjectives.
Thurs 20th Nov:
Shani informed me today that she would like me and the other ACU
student to interview a large portion of students within the school in
order to gain a comprehensive of the varying needs and abilities of
students. The interviews require me to survey each child about their
interests, strengths and weaknesses, goals and other comments in
order to gain an understanding of the child that will inform each
childs individual learning profile, Individual Adjustment Plans and
Education Implementation Plan. The students to be interviewed fall
into the special needs and significant learning difficulty categories,
as well as ineligible and monitored students.

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