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Hannah Fisher

Rager 6
Blooms Level


Skill addressed


1. What one object, that used to be his brother, Allies,

does Holden carry around?
A. Red Hunting Cap
B. Gloves
C. Baseball Glove
D. Necklace
2. On page 95 Holden meets a prostitute. What is the
prostitutes name?
A. Sunny
B. Crystal
C. Grace
D. Sally

2. Reference to text

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6

3. On page 28, Holden says Im the one flunking out of 3. Rhetorical

this goddam place, and youre asking me to write you a Element and Quote
goddam composition. What type of literary technique is
Salinger using?
A. Metaphor
B. Irony
C. Simile
D. Imagery
4. Quote
4. In the 1st chapter, when does the first major shift in
the setting occur?
A. In the middle of the 1st paragraph ("I mean that's all I
told D.B. about")
B. At the beginning of the 2nd paragraph ("Where do I
want to start")
C. At the start of the 3rd paragraph ("Anyway it was the
start of the football game")
D. At no point in the passage is there a major shift in
5. From the context of the story in the middle of the first
paragraph of the novel, the reader can infer that "this
crumby place" is most likely
A. A mental institution
B. A boarding school
C. A school in California
D. His brother house

5. Word Choice and

Reference to text

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6

6. Why is Holden agitated whenever he goes to the

6. Meaning
A. Because while he changes, the museum doesnt.
D. Because he hates the smell.
C. Because the employees there dont like him due to his
D. Because the bathrooms are awful.
7. What might Holden's choice of language reveal about 7. Word Choice
his personality?
A. He is very outgoing and loves to talk to people.
B. He is very engaging and draws the reader in.
C. Holden never talks to anyone throughout the novel so
we never understand anything about his personality.
D. He holds a tone of contempt for his audience but with
a sense of neediness.
8. Reference to the
8. Which of the following is NOT a logical assumption
after reading chapter 1?
A. Holden's parents are financially secure.
B. Holden's parents are reserved and somewhat detached
C. Holden is very interested in sports.
D. The writer is critical of certain aspects of society.
9. Compare Mr. Spencer to Mr. Antolini.
A. Both were teachers of Holdens and Holden went to
both of them for guidance.
B. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Antolini were not characters in
Catcher in the Rye.
C. Both teachers are very young and Holden dislikes
D. Both A and C are correct.
10. How are Mr. Spencer and Mr. Antolini different?
A. Both were teachers of Holdens and Holden went to
both of them for guidance.
B. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Antolini were not character in
Catcher in the Rye.
C. Mr. Spencer is Holdens old History teacher and is
very old. Mr. Antolini is Holdens old English teacher
and is very young.
D. None of the answers above are correct.

9. Compare and

10. Compare and


Hannah Fisher
Rager 6

11. In pages 8-15, what does Holden find depressing

about Mr. Spencer?
A. Mr. Spencer is an old guy but is still very active,
almost too active for his age.
B. Mr. Spencer is old and sick with a cold. He is
disheveled and gives Holden the same advise that he
always gives him.
C. Mr. Spencer is too old and Holden cant understand
D. Mr. Spencer lives by himself and is not married.

11. Reference to

12. In Chapter 9 the theme, the painfulness of growing

up, is present. Explain why the painfulness of growing
up could be a reoccurring theme in The Catcher in the

12. Reference to

13. When I leave a place I like to know Im leaving it.

If you dont, you feel even worse. What does this
quotation show about Holdens character?

13. Quote

14. Reference to
14. On page 31, when Holden learns that Stradlater is
going on a date with Jane, why does Holden nearly "drop text
dead when he hears this news?
A. Jane is someone Holden hates.
B. Holden is in love with Jane and he thinks Stradlater is
just a phony who will use Jane for sex.
C. Holden is happy that Stradlater finally found a
15. On page 45 and 46, Holden says he is a pacifist. Do

15. Quote

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6

16. On page 93, Holden remembers reading about

16. Rhetorical
Monsieur Blanchard, a character in a book who said
Element and Quote
something Holden liked. Holden summarized it by
saying, "He said, in one part, that a woman's body is like
a violin and all, and that it takes a terrific musician to
play it right." How is Holden comparing the woman and
the violin?

17. Why do you think Holden asks about the ducks in

the pond constantly with any taxi cab driver?

17. Meaning

18. Holden often uses the word phony to express his

18. Meaning and
criticism in The Catcher in the Rye. What age group
would you say Holden thinks shows the most phoniness?

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6

19. On page 39, Allie is introduced. Who is Allie? What 19. Reference to
does his baseball glove symbolize and why does Holden text
keep it with him throughout The Catcher in the Rye?

20. On pages 52, 159, and 160, Holden talks about his
mother and the relationship that he has with her. How
does Holden describe his mother and what is their

20. Reference to
text and tone

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6
12. Opinion, as long as they support the answer they should be correct.
13. This quote has to do with Holden's inability to connect to people. He's actually saying that
he's sad. Leaving somewhere usually means you feel bad over who or what you're leaving
behind. Holden didn't have these feelings.... and it saddened him.
14. B
15. He says that he is, however, he is always contradicting himself. A pacifist is someone who
believes in peace and not fighting, yet he started a big fight with Stradlater.
16. He is saying that the comparison between playing a violin and touching a woman is
17. Mention: He needs to get his mind off of things, needs a distraction, curiosity, and sparking
his youth
18. Holden uses the word phony to talk about most people but directs it more towards adults.

Hannah Fisher
Rager 6
19. Holden keeps Allie's baseball glove because it is a reminder of his brother. The glove has
poems written all over it because Allie wanted something to read when he was in the outfield.
Holden wrote Stradlater's essay on the glove and then tore the essay up when Stradlater did not
appreciate the gesture. By writing about Allie's glove, the reader sees Holden's sensitive side.
20. Holden believes that his mother is in a fragile state, suffering from a nervous condition with
constant headaches is how he describes her in Chapter 23. Holden's mother is so grief stricken
over the death of her son, Allie, that Holden feels really guilty about being such a burden to her.
That is why he doesn't go home right away and that is why he chooses to hide while in NYC
rather than go home, even after he has nowhere else to go.

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